Astorino Hobnobs at Forest Avenue Home

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(County Exec Astorino Holds Court at the Forest Avenue home of Julie and Gary Killian)

Over 70 League of Women Voters members and invited guests hobnobbed with Westchester County Exec Rob Astorino at the Forest Avenue home of Julie and Gary Killian in Rye this past Thursday.

According the the League, local government officials attended including New York State Assemblyman George Latimer, Westchester County Legislator Judy Myers, Rye City Mayor Doug French, Rye Brook Mayor Joan Feinstein and Rye Town Supervisor Joe Carvin as well as many current and former Mayors and members of the city council and boards of trustees of the communities served by the League.

No word if local media had been invited. had not been extended an invitation.

LWV Astorino Invitation

The League press release reported Mr. Astorino spoke on and answered questions about the financial difficulties facing Westchester County, particularly the need to reduce the cost of employee fringe benefits which he said amounted to 55% of County employee wages. He spoke of the need for the State to establish another tier in its pension system to provide for a defined contribution pension program, along the lines of a 401(k) plan, in lieu of the current defined benefit pension plans. Mr. Astorino said that his administration will negotiate hard with the employee bargaining units for increased employee contributions toward the cost of employee’s health care insurance. He also spoke to questions on the status of affordable housing settlement, Playland and other matters affecting the County.

If you attended the event and would like to add any detail in regards to Astorino's discussion, please leave a comment below.


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