Join Jim & Ted on Their Next Snow Adventure: Volunteers Wanted

Jim Amico and Ted Carroll are going on another excellent snow adventure – and they want YOU to join them.

"I would like to start a good thing here," Amico told "I am seeking volunteers, adults, HS Students to join me and Ted in clearing the corners and crosswalks that the City of Rye has not been to, can't get to, or won't & refuse to do! The volunteers can do this in their own neighborhoods or other coordinated areas that I will put together from a list of designated crossings which I hope to receive from the City!"

Jim and Ted are out this weekend and will be out on other snowy weekends and during school closings.

If you want to volunteer, call Jim Amico on 914-774-7938.

If you are out there on snow patrol, be sure to snap a picture and send it to


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