Syracuse Native Tells Rye To Put Its Plows in Gear: Reader Letter

Syracuse native and Rye resident Kim Rossi tells readers Rye better put its snow plows in gear before more than just snow piles up. What do you think? Leave a comment below.

I am mainly just wondering if you may have some info, however this seems to be a common theme in Rye and may be a worthwhile article. I live on a street off of Locust Ave (in Rye). I drive into town 6+ times a day as I have 3 kids in 2 different schools. I can not tell you the amount of times I have almost gotten in an accident. There are many spots where the street pinches due to the poor plow job. I have had cars in the oncoming lane be over the yellow, in my lane numerous times forcing me to drive up on the snow. When the snow freezes, like now, I can not even go on the snow, for my car bucks back into the street. I am amazed every day that there is not an accident at a few sections on the street, mainly at the top of the hill (before one goes under the two bridges). Is there a place to complain and get the shoulders to be plowed too? Many two way streets are now one way roads and people need to pull over to pass.

I am originally from Syracuse where we get this amount of snow plus annually and it does not need to be this way.

Thank you,

Kim Rossi



  1. Ms. Rossi,

    Despite what the Rye City administration and their acolytes might tell you, the aftermath of major repeated snow events in prior decades here was dealt with differently. School crosswalks were cleared. Snow in street parking areas was removed. Not in the first 24 hours in all cases – but definitely in the first 48 hours. Isolated incidents of non compliance of course occurred. But these were the exception. Today we’re ‘slipping’ into a groove of repetitious municipal non compliance while at the same time fees for homeowner violations have been raised by a huge percentage. It’s akin to a “do as I say, not as I do” culture where power gets spoken to truth – repeatedly.

    Thanks for your snow-belt savvy observations. We here can and should do better. After all, historically we once did – so what’s to stop us except the will to improve?

  2. Hi Kim, I’m from Schenectady and as a snow belt compatriot I salute you.
    For those who are unaware, Syracuse has the distinction of being the snowiest city in the US. I’m sure many think it would be Bismark, North Dakota, or somewhere in Minnesota, but no, it’s our Syracuse.
    You are right, it does not have to be this way.
    What I find amazing is we have enormous SUVs on the road today yet people panic when it snows.
    I’m fond of saying that where I come from we call this “Winter”.
    I remember the Winter of 1995-96 when I slid off the road into a ditch during one of those awesome storms. My Bronx born boyfriend referred to it as an “accident”. In Schenectady no one thought of winding up in a snowdrift as an accident – it was an everyday occurence. You just got someone to push or pull you out and you went on your way.
    Just recently, on my way to a party at the Killians’ I got stuck on the ice across the street from her home. I was considering my options- with several cars backed up behind me- when a tall young man got out of his car, walked up behind mine and pushed it off the ice.
    This surprised me although growing up that was just what people did.
    I spoke to him later at the party and remarked at his taking charge of the situation without discussion. It turns out his name is Josh Krull, he’s the new manager of the Atria in Rye Brook and here’s the important detail. He’s from Buffalo!
    Those of us from the snowbelt seem to just know how to cope.
    My pet peeve is people shoveling their snow toward the curb instead of back onto their own lawn making the roads even more difficult to maneuver, but maybe that’s another column.

  3. Kim,
    First, let me start by saying WELCOME ABOARD the frozen ship of hell..aka RYE, NY!!!

    It’s always good for our Officials to hear a different voice with the SAME OPINION!!!

    You have started in a good place, myrye. Your next step should be an email, I would be more than happy to forward you all the contact info you need, here is my email address…

    Since you have less than a snow balls chance in hell to get anywhere with your email….
    Your next step should be the very next Council Meeting, next Wednesday @ 8pm in City Hall.

    Keep this info in mind as you prepare your email and prepare yourself for the Council Meeting…

    “It is a City Manager form of government with the City Council setting policy. The City Council could set the policy to get rid of all the snow and the City Manager would have to direct it to be done”!!!

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