Rye City: Public Hearing Notice

The following is a City of Rye, NY legal notice placed under a no cost pilot program with MyRye.com. Click here to read more about this program and how it can save taxpayer dollars.


Notice of Public Hearing on a proposed local law to amend Chapter 93, “Film Permits” by amending §93-6 “License Fee” of the Code of the City of Rye

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the City Council of the City of Rye on the 30th day of March, 2011 at 8:00 P.M. at City Hall, Boston Post Road, in said City, at which interested persons will be afforded an opportunity to be heard concerning a proposal to amend Chapter 93, “Film Permits” by amending §93-6 “License Fee” of the Code of the City of Rye

Copies of said local law may be obtained from the office of the City Clerk.

Dawn F. Nodarse
City Clerk
Dated: March 17, 2011


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