Rye City Reducing Garbage Collection Routes

Rye City will be requiring residents to place garbage and recycling out for collection by 6:30am the day of pick-up strating April 4th:

"In compliance with the 2011 City budget, the Department of Public Works is reducing the number of garbage collection routes.  This change takes effect on Monday, April 4th.  Under the new routes, the existing level of service will be maintained but collection times and personnel may be different.

Collection time will now start at 6:30 a.m. so garbage and recycling must be available by that time.

If you have any questions regarding garbage or recycling, please call DPW at 967-7464."



  1. If the pickup time in the morning is going to be earlier, how about the city permitting the positioning of trash recepticals outside a building earlier than in the evening the day before? Just a thought.

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