Rye City: Board of Appeals Notice

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PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Board of Appeals of the City of Rye, New York, will conduct a public hearing at Rye City Hall, 1051 Boston Post Road, on Thursday, April 14, 2011 at 7:30 P.M. on the following applications requesting relief from Chapter 197 of the Zoning Code of the City of Rye. The deliberative session of the Board is an open public meeting and held after 7:00 PM in Mayor’s Conference Room.

#09-35 RECONSIDERATION OF APPLICATION, 110 GLEN OAKS DR., Andrew Dellipaoli, Owner, (tax map 146.17-1-47) appealing the denial of the Board of Architectural Review (Application #07.123) to construct a 4.5 ft to 5 ft. retaining wall. (March 2, 2011 Decision & Order of Hon. Susan Cacace vacated 12-2-09 decision of Board of Appeals and remanded the application for reconsideration.)

#11-08 ADJOURNED APPLICATION 83 BREVOORT LN., Peter & Maria Hancock, Owners, (tax map 152.20-1-26) requesting 30.77 ft rear yard variance (Chapter 197, Article VIII, §197-86, Table A, Col. 11) for a proposed 2-lot subdivision.

#11-10 ADJOURNED APPLICATION 30 FAIRWAY AVE, Sander & Stephanie Spierings, (tax map 153.11-1-63) requesting a 10.6 ft. front yard variance (Chapter 197, Article VIII, §197-86, Table A, Col. 8), a 3.05 ft. side yard variance (Chapter 197, Article VIII, §197-86, Table A, Col. 9) and a variance to allow the F.A.R. to increase to .333(a .033(10.87%) increase over the allowable F.A.R. or 326 (10.87%) sq. ft. increase over the allowable square footage (Chapter 197- article VIII, §197-86, Table A, Col 5) for a two-story addition.

#11-13 ADJOURNED APPLICATION 269 PURCHASE ST., 269 Purchase St. LLC, Owners (tax map 139.19-3-38.1 & 39) requesting a variance to allow the F.A.R. to increase to .531(a .0310(6.2%) increase over the allowable F.A.R. or 696 (7.5%) sq. ft. increase over the allowable square footage) (Chapter 197, Article VIII, §197-86, Table B, Col. 4) to enclose four parking spaces.

#11-14 15 VALE PL., Pablo Ludman, Owner, (tax map 153.07-1-20) requesting an 11.5 ft. rear yard variance (Chapter 197, Article VIII, §197-86, Table A, Col. 11) and a variance to allow the F.A.R. to increase to .357(a .007(2.00%) increase over the allowable F.A.R. or 53 (1.09%) sq. ft. increase over the allowable square footage (Chapter 197, Article VIII, §197-86, Table A, Col. 5) for a rear addition.
Plans and other data pertaining to these applications are on file at the office of the City Clerk and open for public inspection. All persons, including corporations, interested in any of these matters will be given an opportunity to be heard.

Inspection of these properties will be made by Board members at various times between Saturday, April 9, 2011 and Thursday, April 14, 2011 to the meeting.

Due to the possibility of a meeting cancellation, applicants and interested parties should call the City Clerk’s office (914 967-7371) the day of the meeting (after 2:00 P.M.) to confirm meeting date and time.

Dawn F. Nodarse
Secretary, Board of Appeals
Dated: April 4, 2011


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