For Midland School, It’s Nairobi, Baghdad or Bust

Reilly w Sign Post

(PHOTO: Midland art teacher Bret Reilly discusses how far it is from here to there.)

Midland School unveiled two road signs on June 16 – one located outside on the grass inside the bus circle, and the other inside the building near the lobby. These signs, which display various points of interest and their distances from Rye, were designed to teach students about the metric system in a unique and enjoyable way.

There is an eclectic mix of destinations on the signs including the Bronx Zoo, Port Chester, Nairobi, Baghdad, Milton School, Playland, New York City and Osborn School.

The signs are the collaborative efforts of Midland art teacher Bret Reilly, math teacher Steven Bluestone, and Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum/Instruction/Assessment Dr. Steven Cohen, who joined students for a small gathering on the school lawn during which the outdoor sign was officially unveiled. Mr. Reilly explained the purpose of the signs, and Mr. Bluestone discussed the metric system, teaching students how to estimate various measurements.

The signs also sparked student interest in geography – while the group examined the sign locations, which range from Rye Playland to Nairobi, many children shared their knowledge of cities, states, and countries and their directions relative to Rye.


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