Wanted: Love Birds from 1940s & 50s Married in Rye Meeting House

Suzy Allman is looking for love birds. In their 80s.

She is looking for love birds married in the Rye Meeting House like Mr. and Mrs. George Luce. The Luces were the last to be married in the chapel before it was sold to the Quakers in 1959.

Allman, a Rye resident, is looking to produce a documentary about a couple married in the chapel in the mid- 20th century.

She recently completed a short video about the Rye Meeting House and the the archaeology that had to be carried out in accordance with state law before renovation could start. The video features Sara Mascia of Historical Perspectives, Inc. who conducted the archaeological work.

You will learn about the Meeting House including how local women held a strawbery festival to raise money to construct the bell tower.

If you know any of these love birds, contact MyRye.com and we'll put you in touch with Allman.



  1. This is a great video with so much information on the Milton Meeting House and how it is being preserved. Thank you to Suzy Allman and the Committee to Save the Bird Homestead for all their efforts to keep our history alive.

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