Ed Shine Out As Rye City School Superintendent June 2012

Ed Shine, Rye City School Superintendent, has announced plans to step down at the end of this coming school year in June 2012. The move was expected. Shine's announcement follow [emphasis is ours]:

July 29th, 2011

Dear Members of the Rye School-Community:

At the Rye City School District Board of Education's Summer Planning Sessions, held on July 11 and July 13, the Board and I agreed to a host of Board and administrative priorities for the 2011-2012 school year. Planning sessions have been extremely valuable over the years to communicate with the community and the School District organization the major directions and expectations for the current school year and, quite often, the next four or five years.

The new priorities were all developed with the intent of maintaining the quality of our educational program in light of recent changes, some at the local level and others with a broader reach. The first priority focuses on space at our Middle and High School campus. You may have already heard that the Board is considering instructional space and infrastructure improvements with its newly appointed architect based on the Middle School and High School enrollment and space report presented by its consultant on June 21.

The second major Board of Education priority will be to understand the complex impact and long-term effect of the new tax cap law and plan for a 2012-2013 budget that protects Rye's students and its programs.

The third and final Board priority flows from the information I provided to the Board at its Summer Planning Session. I informed the Board that I intend to step down as superintendent of schools and retire from the Rye City School District effective June 30, 2012. I've come to the conclusion that 22 years as a superintendent, an additional 17 years as a school administrator and a total of 46 years as an educator is a career fulfilled and it is time to move on into retirement. With a year's advance notice of my retirement, the Board can meet all its obligations for providing school and community input opportunities and complete the national search that Rye deserves to find its next superintendent. I will do everything in my power to help the Board with all three of its 2012-2013 priorities and devote my full attention to the administrative priorities that will improve our schools and student learning results.

It has been my privilege to serve as your superintendent for the past 15 years. I consider myself fortunate to have had the opportunity to work in such a warm, welcoming community – one that truly values the importance of a high-quality education for its children. I have greatly enjoyed seeing our educational program evolve in such a positive fashion over the years, and I take personal satisfaction in the achievements and successes of our students, noting the great work of our teachers and administrators. It is an honor to have been a small part of student and teacher achievements.

As I finish out the 2011-2012 school year, the District will continue to provide information updates to the community as the search for my successor is conducted. I appreciate being able to spend the closing stage of my career in Rye, with those who have been a part of some of my best memories and accomplishments. I will always look forward to hear wonderful things about the Rye City School District.


Edward J. Shine


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