Green Group Goes for Myers

Nylcv_logo Local county legislator rep Judy Myers, who is facing a challenge this fall from Rye Councilperson Suzanna Keith, scored a green endorsement from the New York League of Conservation Voters. Here is the announcement:

"The New York League of Conservation Voters, which works to make environmental sustainability a top political and policy priority in New York State, has announced its endorsement of Judy Myers for re-election as Westchester County’s Legislator in District 7.

Judy Myers has demonstrated her commitment to the environment through her leadership in sustainability initiatives. Not only does Myers serve on the Westchester County Environmental Committee and the Westchester County Flood Task Force, but she also co-authored legislation creating a Storm Water Advisory Board and led a county resolution against the Broadwater natural gas liquefaction plant. Similarly, Myers assisted in passing reduced idling legislation, a county hybrid/alternative energy policy, and legislation for increasing the recycling of plastic bags and film. Myers also worked to obtain county funding for the Cornell Cooperative Extension and the Hilltop Hanover Farm employees.

“This district needs a leader who is environmentally minded to help the towns it encompasses grow and develop sustainably,” said Nanette Bourne, chair of NYLCV’s Westchester Chapter. “That's why the New York League of Conservation Voters is proud to endorse Judy Myers for re-election.”

In response to the endorsement, Legislator Myers said: “I am deeply gratified to have received this important endorsement from such a respected and effective environmental advocacy group as the NYLCV. For the past six years that I have represented this district that includes the Long Island Sound, I have dedicated myself to the protection and preservation of our environment. I am well aware of the importance to my constituents of protecting our water and air quality, as well as our valuable open space.”"



  1. Mrs. Keith,

    In this week’s Rye Record a letter to the editor was published with regard to Hen Island.

    Could you please respond to it and also state your position as to; if you believe there is or is not a problem with sewage, Potable water, and mosquito infestation on Hen Island? If you believe there is, can you also state what you would do in attempting to rectify the problem if you were to be elected as a county Legislator?

    Seeing as you have been silent on this issue as a Rye Council person I feel this would be an important issue to voting residents of Westchester especially residents in the sound shore area which are directly affected by Mosquito infestations and improper sewage entering the Long Island Sound.

  2. Hey Ray – I bet Judy Myers stays strategically silent on the oozing mess out on Hen Island also. This New York League of Conservation Voters is just a front group for partisan Democratic lawmakers. They even endorsed Steve Otis after he kyboshed the investigations on Schubert’s Pond and Hen Island. Meyers or Keith would be smart to lead rather than follow here.
    But they are forbidden to do anything.

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