Rye City: Flood Info on Electric/Gas Inspections, Refuse Pickup

Rye City has release post Irene info:

Flooding has subsided. City to coordinate electric/gas inspections; see Police Comand Post f/o City Hall Mon 8AM-8PM

The City has experienced significant flooding as a result of Hurricane Irene. Most of the water has subsided at this time, and we expect that all roads will be open shortly.

Buildings that were damaged by flood waters may require inspection before utilities can be restored. If electrical service has been turned off or water has contacted a building’s electrical panel, an electrical inspection must be performed before Con Ed can restore power. If water rose above the gas regulator valve, which is usually 18 inches above the floor, Con Edison must verify that the gas service regulator is working properly.

To facilitate the required inspections, the Building Department is enlisting the services of electrical inspectors and will coordinate with Con Ed. The Police Department Command Post trailer will be located in front of City Hall, and will be staffed from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM, beginning on Monday, August 29th. Residents in need of inspections may visit the trailer and leave contact information to arrange for inspection appointments. Con Ed personnel and inspectors will be coordinating their efforts through the Command Post.

The temporary drop-in shelter at Whitby Castle has been closed effective 5:00 PM on Sunday.

DPW will be going through neighborhoods starting Tuesday morning to pick up flood refuse and debris that is placed at curbside. There will be regular garbage collection on Monday.

The prohibition on the use of leaf blowers will be suspended for five days beginning August 29th.


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