Rye City Revokes Tax Exempt Status of Tiki Bar, Wainwright & Seaside Johnnies

At a recent Rye City Council meeting, Corporation Counsel Kristen Wilson reported that the Board of Assessment Review (BAR) held a hearing on the taxable status of Wainwright House, Pier Restaurant & Tiki Bar, and Seaside Johnnies Restaurant. The non-taxable status of these entities has been revoked by City Assessor Noreen Whitty.

Representatives of the Wainwright House, the County and the Town of Rye appeared and presented their cases in favor of reinstating the exemptions. It is expected that the BAR will come down with a decision by early September.



  1. SeaSide Johnnies and Tiki Bar were tax free ? why in hgell were private business fortunate enough to operate on public property EVER tax free ? Making Wainwright taxable may come back and bite localk citizens in the butt as they will now move rapidly to renting out the place heavily meaning lots more traffic down in the area

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