Rye City 9/11 Commemoration Schedule: This Sunday

9-11 in Rye NY

Rye has announced its September 11th commemoration ceremony for this Sunday, 9/11/2011:

City of Rye
September 11th
Commemoration Ceremony

Sunday, September 11th
3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

City of Rye
9/11 Tenth Anniversary
Commemoration Ceremony

Opening Ceremonies Locust Avenue Fire House

Pledge of Allegiance Rye Troop #2

Bagpiper Tribute Kevin Perry

Blessing Fire Chaplain Andrea Raynor

Opening Remarks Mayor Douglas French

Invited Guests
Congresswoman Nita Lowey
State Senator Suzi Oppenheimer
State Assemblyman George Latimer
Deputy County Executive Kevin Plunkett
County Legislator Judy Myers

National Day of Service and Remembrance

Procession to the 9/11 Memorial Gazebo

Invocation Rev. Msgr. Donald M. Dwyer

Moment of silence

Reading of Names Holly O’Neill-Melville          

▪ Thomas Crotty
▪ Benjamin Fisher
▪ Yugi Goya
▪ W. Ward Haynes
▪ Takashi Kinoshita
▪ Gary E. Koecheler
▪ Teddy Maloney
▪ Francis N. McGuinn
▪ Robert McLaughlin, Jr.
▪ Christopher D. Mello
▪ George W. Morell
▪ Sean Gordon O’Neill
▪ Thomas A. Palazzo
▪ Michael J. Simon
▪ Allen V. Upton

God Bless America Joanna Loddo

Reception at the Locust Avenue Firehouse


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