Tour Rye High Facilities Up for Renovation

The Rye High School Parent Organization is offering tours of the High School facilities being considered for renovation. Here are the details:

Attention Parents!

1.  Please join us to tour the high school facilities under consideration for renovation:

Wednesday, September 28, at 8:45 am or 9:15 am

Tuesday, October 3 at 7:00 pm ( before the 8:00 pm Board of Education Meeting).

The RHSPO will conduct tours  of the high school facilities being considered for renovation under the District's Capital Project plan. The tours  will cover current science classrooms, girls' and boys' bathrooms and locker rooms, art rooms, the guidance center and the field house. Parents of students in the Rye City School District are welcome and encouraged to attend. The tours  will show first-hand the acute space needs that Rye High School faces.

The tours will meet inside the high school main entrance, at the Security desk. We are hosting two tours on Wednesday to make it easier for  both high school/middle school parents and elementary school parents to attend.

2.  Please also plan to attend one or more the following meetings about the District's/Board of Education's Capital Project Priorities:

Tuesday, September 27 at 8:00 pm: Board of Education meeting, Middle School Multi-Purpose Room

Monday, October 3 at 7:00 pm:  Discussion Forum hosted by Superintendent Dr. Shine,  High School Media Center

Tuesday, October 4 at 8:00 pm: BOE  "Open Forum" format meeting, Middle School MPR

This Tuesday's BOE meeting is especially important because the Board will prioritize the (long) list of MS/HS building needs as outlined at previous Board Meetings:

12 unit classroom addition and four new classrooms within the existing building space

Rest rooms

Art Classrooms

Physical Education Space

Locker Rooms

Multi-purpose/performing arts space

Field Space

Field House renovations/upgrades

Media Center

Art Classrooms

MS/HS Cafeteria Space

Guidance Center

Rye TV

Traffic/Pedestrian Access


Ventilation/Heat Controls

They will also discuss cost estimates and the impact on school taxes.

It's time to be a squeaky wheel!  The Board is very interested in hearing from the public!! They have not yet heard in a substantial way where the community stands on these proposals.

Please click on the link for more detailed information:  Capital Project Central



  1. The tours are great. Let the community see what the facilities look like, see where repairs / renovations / extensions are needed. BUT, in addition to marketing the need for work / spending (aka a bond), the schools should also be finding (and explaining) ways to reduce the costs of the proposed work. In particular –

    Does the Lab extension really need to be built to support a 3rd floor? If so, better count on adding an elevator at some point. Not cheap. How about looking at what realistically an expanded HS / MS facility could support in terms of enrollment before planning for future expansion.

    Why is a new field house needed? Sure the existing one is a mess. Tear it down. But how about upgrading the existing locker rooms in the school so that they can double as the changing rooms for sports teams. Nothing is that far away from the fields. And is putting in new showers really going to lead to usage? The kids are typically heading out as soon as a game / practice is over.

    Okay, so turf fields (that aren’t in flood zones) are more reliably available than grass fields and require less annual TLC. But rather than trying to squeeze in another turf field at the HS – driving up traffic, maybe leading to a request for more lights, further encroaching on the neighbors – how about turfing Rye Rec? Sterling? These places would be accessible to the entire community, are out of a flood zone, could be a pretty large spaces, and would leave more open space by the HS / MS if it is needed for yet another expansion. There’s also the idea of cost and benefit sharing with the entire city.

  2. Bob,
    You bring up some valid points…
    A. I for one am not in support at this time for a 20mil school addition for science labs.
    B. Agreed, tear down the field house, upgrade the locker rooms, but as for the showers, when my oldest played baseball there they practiced before school at 6am, showers would be nice instead of stinking all day in school.
    C. At what/who’s expense (INJURIES) do we add more turf fields? As for “more” attractions at the REC which would bring more traffic to Midland Ave they would get quite the argument from me on this until they get serious about Midland Ave and the dangers presented here!!!

  3. Jim – short correction. The total building cost is estimated at about $27million, not $20million. At last night’s BoE meeting, a handout was provided that allocates that $27million across 3 funding sources –
    + $18.524million bond;
    + $4.3million to be funded out of annual facilities spending;
    + $3.7million to be other Budget or Donations.
    So, the total cost of the program is still $27million, but the question to be put to the public as a bond vote may appear to have a lower cost, without having actually lowered costs.

  4. News Flash – City of Rye Board of Education postpones vote on HS/MS Construction Bond. Impact is delay in targeted Dec Bond vote by taxpayers.

    Why? Why you ask? The School Board is also asking, “Why?”. But not why they postponed their vote. Rather, why did the City, at the last minute and apparently without prior notification (think phone call) send a letter raising concerns about the impact of construction (and or increased enrollment to be supported by the construction) on street traffic conditions?

    More to come, obviously. But I believe this means that the originally planned date for a public Bond vote will now slip because of the minimum amount of time that must pass between the Board agreeing to put a Bond vote to the community and the vote taking place. Of course, there will be knock on effects – depending on the time it takes to resolve the City’s points, they could be short (a week with a “special” BoE meeting to vote on the Bond) or long (slip the Bond vote into the Budget season? slip construction start into 2013?).

    Hopefully the BoE will get the City’s lette posted on its Web Site ASAP so we can all see a little bit more of what’s going on. But more importantly, hopefully the City will get straight with the Schoosl ASAP.

  5. Apparently the City Council and the Board of Education need to figure out a way to communicate better, especially with one another. Regarding communicating with the public on the proposed building project: I believe that whatever the BOE decides to include in a Bond initiative Each category needs to be clearly described in a paragraph or two so the public clearly understands what they are being asked to vote on. I also believe that the PUBLIC needs to be the deciding vote, not just the seven members of the BOE as to what the community is willing to fund to maintain our school facilities.Give the community options, but don’t skimp on addresssing the true needs of the diatrict. Yes, people, there is a time when brick and morter is important. With regard to the City Council, are the telephones not working at city hall? A joint meeting between the City and the District and no mention of the concern? Student parking (aka street parking) and traffic – There hasn’t been on campus student parking for years. IDEA – Maybe build a two story parking garage on campus, just like the one discussed in town to address the City’s own parking problems!!

  6. Well, the bond vote is back on the School Board’s agenda for next Tuesday night. And the PTOs are out plugging more tours to show off the decrepit state of the schools (MS/HS) – so bad that our kids can’t learn. Hmmm. Guess you gotta drum up support for a $20million bond and 2.75%+ tax rate increase with lots of tours.

    Cross posted from Patch.

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