Heard in Rye Lectures: More Parent Training Tonight

Raising Resilient Teenagers: How to Be an Effective Parent in a Culture of Anxiety and Entitlement is the next lecture up in the Heard in Rye series tonight, Thursday, October 20, 2011 at 7:30 pm at the Rye Country Day School Performing Arts Center on Cedar Street in Rye.

Dr.WendyMogel"Raising Resilient Teenagers: How to Be an Effective Parent in a Culture of Anxiety and Entitlement" will be explored by Dr. Wendy Mogel at the October 20th Heard in Rye Speaker Series lecture. The lecture will be held at the Rye Country Day School Performing Arts Center, located at Cedar Street in Rye, starting at 7:30 pm. Admission is free. Everyone is welcome. Please also consider joining us for "Coffee and Conversation" the next morning, October 21, between 9:30-11 a.m. at Rye Presbyterian Nursery School, 882 Boston Post Road, for a follow-up discussion on the topics addressed.

Dr. Mogel is a clinical psychologist, parenting expert, and bestselling author of The Blessing of a Skinned Knee and Blessings of a B Minus. Her presentation will help guide parents through their children's teenage years and prepare them for the challenges they may experience. Her books will be available for purchase.

Here is Dr. Mogel on "The Power of No":  

Dr. Mogel completed an internship and post-doctoral fellowship in psychology in the Department of Psychiatry at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. She serves on the scientific advisory board of Challenge Success, a program of the Stanford University School of Education, as well as on the boards of both the Center for Early Education and the Counsel for Spiritual and Ethical Education, a century-old inter-faith organization serving private schools. Dr. Mogel has been a featured keynote speaker at a number of national educational organizations' annual meetings. She also contributes articles to an assortment of publications, including Independent School Magazine, The Jewish Telegraphic Agency, and Camping Magazine, as well as podcasts for the Union of Reform Judaism; and she creates video logs for the Jewish Television Network.


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