Rye City Council Candidate Rafael Elias-Linero

MyRye.com has invited all city council candidates to complete a Q&A for our readers this week. The election is next Tuesday, November 8, 2011. Today we introduce you to candidate Rafael Elias-Linero:

Rafael Elias

Your Name: Rafael Elias-Linero

What are the three most important issues for Rye in 2012?

  1. Maintaining the quality of services that the City provides despite the challenging financial situation resulting from tax caps and growing mandated (and unfunded) liabilities. Make the City’s spending much more efficient and constantly look for non-personnel-related savings through consolidation, inter-municipal collaborations, and creative non-tax revenue increases.
  2. Improving the City’s ability to better respond to floods by emphasizing of preparedness, making sure the sluice gate is finally built, and fighting for state and federal funds to undertake the larger infrastructure projects needed to perform the necessary, sufficient and permanent containment works.
  3. Improve the dialogue between the City and its residents in order to create a permanent and open flow of information and be as receptive as possible to the citizens’ needs, ideas, and collaboration.

What current issue in Rye gets more than its fair share of attention?

No issue gets “more than its fair share” as all are important. A priority, however, is to address the flooding issue immediately on both the preventions and preparedness areas. 

Which of the current Rye Playland alternatives do you favor?

Sustainable Playland takes into account all the major factors that will impact a final decision: the preservation of Playland’s historical relevance, the impact that any modifications will have on Rye residents (environmental, cultural, and quality-of-life), its financial sustainability, and finally, the consideration of options to make Playland a comprehensive, integrated community area with year-round uses for the enjoyment of residents.

Beyond efficiencies through shared services, cooperation with non-profits or other initiatives, should Rye City consider reductions in various service levels to reduce expenditures?

The BEST for Rye platform emphasizes maintaining the level and quality of services that residents expect to receive for their tax dollars. We see savings opportunities in budget items such as contracts (17% of the budget) and materials and supplies (13% of the budget) where we can use our bargaining power and perhaps partner up with other municipalities to consolidate purchases and achieve the best possible prices and terms for those things we need to spend on.

How did you come to run for Rye City Council?

I believe that given the challenges ahead in terms of budget and infrastructure, it was time to have a Council member with a skills set that can bring the best ideas to the table. My more than 16 years in top financial institutions and more than 10 years as a civil engineer that has looked at a plethora of infrastructure projects made me realize that my City needs me more than ever. I could not find a better time to give back to Rye.

What Rye citizen (non-elected official, non-city employee) do you hold as a role model for the rest of us vis-à-vis their contribution to the city and its social fabric?

Naming an individual would be unfair to the many people that contribute on a daily basis to make Rye the very best community in the nation. Instead, I think that the “Rye family”, every mother and father that live and work in Rye and send their kids to our schools, look after our seniors, lead a decent live through example, abides by the laws, respects their neighbors, … those are the people that make Rye the premier community we are and that make our City so desirable. 

Where do you live in Rye?

Douglas Circle, in Greenhaven.

How long have you lived in Rye – since what year?

Since 1997. It will be 14 years this coming December.

What’s your day job?

I am a Senior Financial Analyst at the French corporate and investment bank Credit Agricole in New York City.

If your co-workers (from your day job) were to describe you in a single word, what word would they use?


As a young person, what was your first paid job?

I started working at the family’s construction company when I was 17. Basically my job consisted of organizing, labeling, and filing construction documents (plans, licenses, day notes, et cetera).

Tell us about your family.

Carla and I married in 1987 and have three children. A son, 21 who is graduating this December from NYU’s Tisch School for the Arts, a 19 year-old daughter who is a sophomore at Emory University in Atlanta, and a 13 year-old daughter who is a freshman at Rye Neck High School. My college-age kids both attended Rye Neck Schools as well.

What’s your favorite Rye area restaurant for “date night” with your partner?

Mine is Ruby’s and my wife’s is Rye Bar and Grill. We usually pick Ruby’s for lunch and the Rye Grill for dinner. Also, the Whitby Castle has superb brunches on weekends.

What’s your favorite Rye area restaurant for take-out or delivery when you are having dinner at home with your family?

We all liked the new Planet Pizza and beyond a pie, I would also recommend its heroes. Also, the tiramisu is excellent.

Where might we find you on a Sunday morning?

Depends on the season. In the fall and winter, getting some coffee downtown. In the summer at the Rye Golf Club pool. In the spring, perhaps picking up plants and flowers with my wife.

What is your political affiliation?

I am a registered Republican.

Your favorite major league baseball team: The Yankees. For generations and generations.

Your Facebook page: Rafael Elias

Your twitter call: I do not use twitter. I do not own an iPhone or an iPad. But I do have a couple of Blackberries and the iPod that my daughters got me for Father’s Day.

Your campaign web site: www.BestForRye.com


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