Rye PD Slings Mud for Wounded Warriors


(PHOTO, left to right: Christine Incalcatera, Al Lombardo, Vince Irwin, Doug Cassetta, Michael Kenny, John Hanratty, Mike Lemke, and Steve Ripp. Rye PBA Member Jason Washco competed the day earlier and is not in the picture.)

Recently several Rye PD members and local residents teamed up to run the Tough Mudder, a long massive, muddy moster of an obstace course, to raise money for the Wounded Warrior Project. Rye PD Officer Christine Incalcatera has our guest report.

By Ptl. Christine Incalcatera

On a mercifully mild weekend in November,  four members of the Rye Police Association and five members of the community teamed up to participate in the self proclaimed “toughest event on the planet”, the Tough Mudder.  We found the Mudder to be a challenging and slightly insane way to raise money and awareness for the Wounded Warrior Project.

The Wounded Warrior Project aims to enlist the public’s aid for programs and services designed to meet the needs of our country’s injured service members. These programs and services are free to men and women who have incurred service related wounds, injuries or illness.  Knowing the WWP relies heavily on charitable contributions, the Rye Police Association generously pledged a $250 donation on behalf of each Association member to cross the finish line of the Tough Mudder.  The challenge was on.


Tough Mudder travels the country asking its adventure seeking participants “Are you tough enough?” Our adventure, the Tri-State Tough Mudder happened to be a 12.2 mile course at Raceway Park strewn with 31 obstacles designed by the British Special Forces. On the morning of the race, a bone-chilling array of ice baths, lake plunges, cargo nets, mud miles and (funky) monkey bars immediately fused us together as a team.  For over three hours we pushed, pulled, lifted and dragged not only one another, but complete strangers through the muddy terrain. The camaraderie was contagious and not finishing was never an option.


We were pushed to our limits physically and mentally, yet everyone had a mud soaked smile plastered on their face.  By mile 10 some of us actually seemed giddy, or maybe delirious. The course was so diabolical, it knew when to stir up some mud just as tattered sneakers began to dry, or throw an obstacle in the way when muscles began to freeze.   Bruised, battered, muddy and still smiling we crossed the finish line as a team, raising nearly $1500 for a worthy cause. To date over $2 million has been raised by Tough Mudder for the WWP and we are proud to be part of that growing number.   We are tough enough, we are proud to be mudders, and we’re ready for the next one!


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