Playland Beach Going to the Dogs

Playland beach is going to the dogs.

Local Westchester rep Judy Myers has told that as of Friday, December 16, 2011 from 7:00 a.m. until dusk, the Playland Beach will be open to humans and their canines, off-leash, until March 31, 2012.


1) ALL canines MUST remain ON-leash until their paws hit the sand; no canines may be off-leash on the boardwalk or other Playland environs.
2) ALL humans MUST pick up after their canines and NO waste may be left on the beach.
3) ANY canine (or human) must be immediately removed from the beach for ANY anti-social behavior (including leaving poop un-scooped).



  1. This is great, thank you Judy.
    I love the rules, but I have to ask…who is going to be enforcing these rules?
    I occassionaly take advantage of this and I am happy for it….
    This could have and should have been put to bed long ago.

    FTR-When I drive by the “Rye Town Dog Park”, regardless of the ongoing discussions of off leash on leash there are always dogs running loose all times of the day.

    So can we please stop spending valuable time on discussions that are truly UNNESSESSARY!

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