Turn Off the Car: Monday is No Idling Day in Rye

Monday, April 23, 2012 is the first Sound Shore Community No Idling Awareness Day in the City of Rye, the Village of Larchmont, the Village of Mamaroneck, and the Town of Mamaroneck.

Smog pipe

§45-1 of the Rye City Code prohibits idling a vehicle engine longer than three minutes. The Rye PD reminds us there are a number of reasons to avoid unnecessary idling – especially when a vehicle is unattended:

  • Idling vehicles can be easily stolen or can cause damage if accidentally engaged (This is especially worrisome if a child is left alone in an idling car.)
  • Vehicle exhaust is hazardous to human health, especially that of children. 
  • Idling wastes resources and damages the environment.
  • The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has identified idling as a major contributor to particulate material emissions. Westchester County is ranked 4th worst for fine particulate matter in New York State by the EPA.
  • Idling more than 10 seconds burns more gas than it takes to re-start the engine. An idling vehicle emits nearly twenty times more air pollution than one driving at 32 miles per hour. With gas prices in excess of $4.00 per gallon, the expense of unnecessary idling is significant.
  • Today’s cars DO NOT need to be warmed up, except in extremely cold conditions (below 0° F). 
  • It is illegal and you can be summonsed.

“As we mark this event, which has been scheduled to follow the annual commemoration of Earth Day,” said Police Commissioner William Connors, “it is a good time to think about the legal, practical, and environmental impacts of unnecessary idling. If for no other reason, drivers should consider the financial impact of running a car engine unnecessarily with gas prices in excess of four dollars per gallon.”



  1. Are we to believe that the RPD will be enforcing this law?

    Say it ain’t so, come on really?

    The RPD will be enforcing this law?
    They themselves are the first violators!

    The RPD will enforce the “no cell” “no text” law?
    They themselves are the first violators!

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