Animal Lover Teaches People to Tango at Rye Town Park


(PHOTO: Tango instructor and Animal Nation founder Jill Doornick with two students, Anne Baade and Ron Tanner.  They are by the beach at Rye Town Park, planning for the "Tango By The Beach" classes that will be held weekly on Thursdays, from 7 to 9:30 pm, weather permitting, starting on May 24, 2012.  The fee is $10 per session. The lessons will be held in the area by the lifeguard station.)

Jill Doornick can teach you to tango. She can also arrange for you to adopt a rooster. Or a cat. Or a dog.

Doornick, a resident of Rye Beach Avenue, is the founder of Animal Nation, a Westchester based animal sanctuary and rescue group. She maintains an emergency rescue hot-line and the group's web site has instructions on what to do if you find various injured critters.

She is also a tango teacher. The public is being invited to learn and enjoy Argentine Tango dancing by the beach (Tangoplaya) on Thursday evenings at Rye Town Park.  They can experience “a taste of Buenos Aires” from 7 to 9:30 pm by the lifeguard station for the modest sum of $10 per session. 

The sessions will begin on May 24, 2012 and run weekly through September 6th, weather permitting.  Dress is casual — smooth soled sneakers would work best on the sandy/fine gravel surface which is the designated dance “floor”.  The $10 weekly fee covers the cost of an hour lesson from 7-8 pm. Participants can join in practice and dancing until 9:30 p.m. People can come alone or with friend(s). 

No word if there will be any dancing animals joining in.

For further information, or to sign up for one or more sessions, contact Jill Doornick by phone at 914 967-7826 or by email at [email protected].



  1. does your ruined suburban location in the doomed soundshore tax trench now with the most outrageous blasphemous atrocious property taxes in america why not do an interview with your oligarical st. sen. suzi creamcheese oppenheimer and let that witch soon to meet the king of terrors how she has helped you live the good deluded suburbanlifestyle in the middle of the biggest infrastructural toilet bowl in north am.!by the way its no longer the empire st. its the garbage barge st. remember 1987 when they tried to dock the stink,in thing in queens?!superimpose a picture of the garbage barge in gravesend bay on the licence plates of your stupid st.if the great rye ouster bay bridge had been constructed in 1971 u would still be the empire st. instead of the garbage barge st. and and now get this fiscal fact thru your stultified mind your property tax issue would be negligeable in the sound shore communities maybe 2 bits ! u people who followed the pusillaminous pipsqueaks like those stooges on the nassau county planning commission have effectively destroyed your tax base in lower n.y. now u r futureless thankfully i saw the handwritting on the wall in 1993 and bolted the stupid st. of n.y. and conn. 1 95 bronx to n.h. conn. the most blood bespattered highway in america here on the west coast of fl. i don,t pay a dime of tax in the sunshine st. not a dime! and being a veteran i have a homestead exemption hallelujah!instead of schelpping out to jones i can drive to a world class beach at 75mph anyday of the week and actually i could do 80mph but alas my toyota is a 1991 workhorse with 166998 miles on the speedo so i do an easy 75mph and don,t push my luck!!!

  2. @ Chris Gray – wow. That’s quite a post. I’ve not seen one as constructive in a long time. You must surely have a lot on your mind. But given your linking of Rye to Nassau county, I have to ask: Do you know WHERE Rye is?
    Good luck in Florida. If you’ve found your little piece of Eden, great for you, but maybe you need to spend more time on the beach to which you refer instead of on-line.

  3. Ms. Doornick has always been there for us when an injured wild thing arrives at our home unexpectedly – so I’m wishing her only the best – she’s a real local star.

    I agree with Bob – that was an awesome rant Chris Gay, worthy of a national publication back in the era of “Howl.” Please check in again soon Chris, like when Ms. Oppenheimer’s apprentice starts his election campaign touting his money losing “experience.” And if you don’t believe me I got a building to sell you here on the Post Road. And please take care on those “blood bespattered” highways on Florida’s West Coast, OK?

    And there’s a lot brewing in this town Chris that links directly to your old abode out on Long Island – where the Suffolk County DA has been lifting rocks in Southampton in the past days and all kinds of stuff like we live with here in Rye (but everyone in the political class say’s to be quiet about) is coming to light. And it’s ugly dark crooked stuff.

    You might typing the following word strings into Google:

    Southampton police suspended
    Southampton town board disciplinary actions
    Suffolk county ethics report
    Toomey southampton attorney

    Those last 2 searches will likely give you some common threads to our own ethics issues and questionable tradecraft practices here in Rye. As will the following story and link –

    VINCENT TOOMEY: Where Did He Come From? Where Did He Go?

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