Fore! Voting Goes Electronic at Rye Golf Club

At the last Rye City council meeting, the council approved new electronic voting procedures for Rye Golf Club members.

It will be interesting to see if the changes increase participation among golf club members. Some believe management of the club has been, well… "clubby"…. one of the recent controversies has been the $300 Whitby food tab added to membership dues.

What do you think? Leave a comment below.

Here are the details:

"The Nominating Committee and Rye Golf Club Commission have proposed changes to the voting procedures to be more in tune with today’s technology and to encourage Member participation. Upon approval by the City Council, the Golf Club Commission will implement the changes for this year’s election.

The proposed changes include:

  • Voting will take place on-line replacing the previous paper ballots
  • Members will be notified about voting dates and procedures via email and postings on the Club’s website and bulletin boards
  • A computer kiosk will be available at the Golf Club for members who do not have access to a computer or who wish to vote onsite
  • Members must vote during the specified two-week time period
  • Votes will be tallied by the online service and reviewed by the Nominating Committee"


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