Myers Says “Let Them Have Pools”

Westchester pol Judy Myers thinks you having a pool is "the right thing".

Maybe this is what they call a political "hot" button?

In the wake of the current heat wave several Democratic members of the Westchester County of Board of Legislators are calling for extending the hours at county pools including Rye Playland. Apparently these facilities are closed Mondays and Tuesdays.

“Our beaches and pools need to be open seven days a week at this point,” said Legislator Judy Myers (D-Larchmont). “I see this as an investment in the well-being of our residents and the right thing for Westchester.”

Cool idea or hot air?

What do you think? Leave a comment below.



  1. Judy Myers is 100% right on this issue. I don’t always agree with Judy – I know you right wing conspiracy theorists on this blog thing I’m a flaming liberal – but no, Judy is a flaming liberal – a liberal who genuinely cares about people. No limousine for her.
    Summer heat makes teenage kids edgy. Swimming pools getting them out in the sunshine and fresh air and moving are so important for their health – and as a way to burn off teenage energy. The little kids look like baby seals when they’re all wet and slippery. They’re so cute.
    We set aside funds for salt for tough winters. We need to set aside money for heat waves as well to extend pool hours.
    I’ll bet if they were recruited, the lifeguards from Rye’s private clubs would volunteer a couple hours at the end of their day to give back to the kids in Westchester who can’t afford private clubs. Many people want to give to those less fortunate, they just need to be asked.
    In addition many strong swimmers from the shore towns might get their life guard cert. if only to put in a couple hours after getting off the Metro North on the worst muggy nights. I know my husband would. He and I both know how important public pools were to us as kids growing up in crummy neighborhoods ( the Bronx and Schenectady ). So, yes, let’s open up those pools morning to night. Maybe the early hours could be for kids only 10 and under, and the late hours, teenagers and adults only, but open those pools.

  2. Exactly right Judy! And thank you for always keeping the best interest of the people of Westchester in mind. This summer’s heat has been brutal – opening the pools on the days they are currently closed would give people a place to cool off.

  3. The County lost a significant revenue opportunity keeping Playland’s beach and pool closed as well other public pools on Tuesday, July 3rd. Last Monday & Tuesday with the heat index close to 100 the County’s beaches and pools should’ve been open.

  4. Judy
    Are you committed to keeping Playland’s pool open next year?

    Why is Sprain Ridge still closed?

    Pools are generally closed on Mondays because of a lack of use, and staff

    I know many of the lifeguards that work in our area. Your idea misses several points that have nothing to do with political leanings
    1- The local life guards are hardworking young adults who work to pay their bills. Their pay is barely above minimum wage
    2- Pay at the private clubs is actually less than that at the county facilities and Oakland Beach. This is because the work at these facilities is much harder. (I am speaking thru the experience of my children)
    3- Life guarding is hard work and is both physically and mentally exhausting. I personally would not want a tired lifeguard watching me or my children after they have worked a full shift, and they deserve a day off too.
    4- These local guards do give back to the community in many ways. They did a minimum of 60 hrs of community service in HS, and most of them participate in Swim Across America, Play for Pink, etc.

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