Rye Rec Summerfest is Sunday

Leaders of Tomorrow and the Rye Recreation Department hold their Summerfest 2012 – an "Annual Field Day of Fun for Kids of All Ages" this Sunday, September 2nd, 2012 at Rye Recreation Park.

Fun planned includes:

Bean Bag Toss Potato-Sack Races Cupcake-Eating Contests
Face Painting 30-yard Dash Water Balloon Challenge
Volleyball Challenge Historical Exhibit Decorate-a-Cup-Cake
Peanut Scramble Fire Truck Spray The Reddy Valentino Orchestra
Bare Handed Old Fashioned Ball Game 2:00 PM
All Booths, Races and Contests 3:00 PM
The Jack Nye Memorial Iced Tea Wood-Racquet Tennis Tournament 3:30 PM
Finishing with Our Annual Honoree Ceremony and
Two Hours of Live Big Band Music and Dancing 5:00 PM

Questions about sponsors/volunteering contact Douglas Carey [email protected]


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