Rye Mayor’s Hurricane Sandy Updates
Update from Rye Mayor Doug French:
Here is a summary of what was covered at today's press briefing at Police Headquarters:
The City of Rye has directed mandatory evacuation of the Category 1 hurricane inundation zone as of 4:00 pm today. The attached map indicates the complete area in that zone, but is primarily east of Forest Avenue, west of Milton Road and portions of Greenhaven. Emergency personnel have been dispatched to the affected areas as of this afternoon.
Our primary concern is the coastal impacts of the tidal surge and high-tide coming around midnight which is expected to be 6 to 11 ft above normal high-tide. This has the potential to be an unprecedented level We wanted to alert residents during the daylight hours. Police and fire department personnel, volunteer fire and auxiliary police have been going door-to-door alerting residents to evacuate. Residents in the low-lying areas should seek to stay with neighbors, relatives or the City has set up a shelter at Rye Country Day School on Grandview Avenue at the upper gym. We have 15 people in the shelter so far.
In addition, high winds are a concern for trees and downed wires. There are already 20 trees down and winds are expected to get up to a sustained level of 40 – 55 mph. Emergency responders have been out all afternoon — 2 vehicle rescues and 4 individual rescues so far. For their safety, emergency responders will be pulled off the streets once winds exceed 40 mph so residents are urged to stay indoors.
We are expecting 1" to 3" of rain. The sluice gate at Bowman Ave Dam is in place, but the major concern is the impact of the tidal surge, full moon and high-tides. Hurricane Irene had more rain fall, but Sandy has higher tidal surge levels.
Playland Parkway was closed by County.
Power outages should be reported to 1-800-75-CON ED and the City is working closely with our representative. Please stay away from all wires as they may be live.
Residents are also urged to respect police tape and barricades. Rye Town Park is closed and residents are urged to stay away due to high winds and waves.
Rye City Schools are closed Tuesday 10/30.
There will be no garbage pick-up on Tuesday 10/30.
911 is for true emergencies and 967-1234 is for the Police Department.
The City's state of emergency I signed will stay in effect until further notice.