Rye Middle School: Real Men Needed

The Rye Middle School is looking for men to help facilitate discussions about “what it is to be a man in 2012” for the 7th-8th Grade Boys Assembly this week.

“Next week, during the middle school’s parent/teacher conferences, we are planning to meet with the boys for facilitated discussions about what it is to be a man in 2012.  As part of the discussion, we’ll be screening a brief video clip of speaker and consultant Tony Porter at a “TED Talk”…

We need men to help chaperone and facilitate some brief smaller group discussions about this.  There’s no prep required, and we are hopeful that it will be a rewarding experience.

We’re reaching out to men in the community to see if they might be available and able to help.  Please email Peter Green at greenp@ryeschools.org.

We will be walking the boys from RMS to Rye Presbyterian, across the street, for the meetings.
The dates and times are:

7th Grade boys:
Monday, Oct. 15
Periods 5 and 6
10:55 – 12:40

8th Grade boys:
Wednesday, Oct. 17
Periods 6 and 7
11:25 – 1:10″


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