Carver Kids Need Holiday Help: What You Can Do

Reach Out Rye has partnered with the Carver Center to try to provide for the needs of some of the less advantaged kids in their after school program.  This year, Reach Out Rye is looking to help Carver with the needs of 147 children.

Rye families are being asked to adopt the needs of one or two children between the ages of 2 and 12 to provide the following:

  • a hoodie sweatshirt
  • a winter hat
  • gloves or mittens
  • an age appropriate book

To further the connection between the donor and the kids, Reach Out Rye is asking that each family also include a hand written holiday card directed to the donor child so that the kids can write thank you cards back to you and enhance their literacy skills.

Participating families are asked to spend approximately $50 on their purchases, and be asked to place the gifts in a gift bag with tissue and a label with the child's name, and age.  Unfortunately, time is of the essence this year. All donations are needed by Wednesday, December 12th.

If you'd like to help out with this project, please contact Rye Middle School teacher Craig Dreeves at [email protected] and he'll provide you with the name, age and gender of a child between the ages of 2 and 12.


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