Killian Shares Storm Update

Councilwoman Julie Killian shared this update today:

"I am with the Mayor now.  Here is what he told me.  Rye has 4 restoration crews, 1 cut and clear crew and 10 bucket trucks. As you have heard before, the first priority is schools and then polling places. After that comes the large grids and then the smaller grids.  They still expect to have all of Westchester on by Friday Nov 9th.  I know this doesn't help but we are much better off than most other communities.  Scarsdale has no restoration crews and has made little progress on clearing. 

Please keep in mind that even if your power is fixed, it may not be turned on until they are completely sure that everything is fixed and okay.  In Harrison, they turned on power too soon and they blew out a number of transformers.  Then Friday night, when Con Ed turned on in town near Boston Post Road, a fire started.  Luckily the Rye police were nearby with a Con Ed worker and they got it under control. 

I have been impressed with our team during the storm, Doug French and Scott Pickup have been working day and night advocating for Rye.  On the Con Ed conference call yesterday, they were relentless along with Laura Slack in getting teams deployed in Rye.  We only had 1 restoration crew yesterday so you can see they made more progress! Despite complaints to the contrary, Rye has been very organized and coordinating well with Con Ed including meeting with our Con Ed liaison before the storm.  I know it doesn't seem like progress has been made but it is slowly happening. 

Hopefully, you all got the email that all schools are back on except for Milton and Osborn.  Milton is possible for tomorrow but Osborn looks doubtful.  There is a unique problem at Osborn that Con Ed does not own the utility poles there, the school district does and Con Ed cannot work on them.  I know that sounds crazy but they are trying to get through the red tape and get them up and running"


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