Rye Middle School Used Clothing Collection Saturday, December 8th
The Rye Middle School PO is holding their annual used clothing collection next Saturday, December 8th from 9AM until 2PM at Rye Middle School. Just pull your car into the school lot and volunteers will help you unload.
All of this year's RMS Clothing Drive proceeds will benefit Sandy Relief. Please bring:
Wearable & Usable Clothing for all seasons (Men's, Women's & Children's)
Shoes, Belts, Briefcases & Handbags
Stuffed Animals
Hard Toys
Bicycles in working condition
Household items made of fabric: table cloths, curtains, sheets, comforters, blankets, towels, pillows
RMS PO will receive a donation for the total poundage collected and then turn this donation over to Sandy Relief. Please put clothing items in well tied plastic bags.
Items that will not be collected are books, VCR tapes, CDs, strollers, high chairs, car seats, cribs, play centers, bouncers, walkers, swings, furniture, and kitchen appliances.
Contact Susan Ciardiello atgsciar@rocketmail.com or Maria Guarnierni at guarnieri4@gmail.com. Tax Receipts will be available.