Looks Like Trouble: Section 75

Looks like trouble:

Who knows the details? Leave a comment below.

"The City Council has called a Special Meeting for Friday, December 21, 2012 at 8:30 a.m. in Council Chambers at City Hall. It is anticipated that the Council will adjourn into Executive Session to discuss personnel matters…

3. Authorization to retain special Counsel to assist the City Council in a potential Section 75 proceeding.
Roll Call.

4. Motion to adjourn into Executive Session to discuss a personnel matter."

A Section 75 (page 7) is not a good thing: "Civil Service Law section 75 provides that a covered employee may not be removed or otherwise subjected to disciplinary penalty except for incompetency or misconduct shown after a hearing on stated charges."



  1. “Removal?” They belong behind bars, and how is my $2,500 in misappropriated tips going to be handled? Earlier on, once I realized this issue, I offered them the opportunity to apply these monies toward membership dues for the upcoming 2013 year, if I can stomach walking into that cesspool of conflicts of interest and impropriety. Their other alternative, well you can ask Councilman Filipi about it.

  2. Coming this Monday, December 31, 2012 –

    “Rye 2012, Who’s Looking Out FOR US?”

    The top 12 local stories about Rye’s storied Political Class and their Influence Peddling Enablers. Lawbreaking, myth-making – the works. Its been a busy year so leave your own suggestions for the 2012 top 12 here. We’ll dig thru the slush and pull out the gems. Hurry, our time is short.

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