Rye City Schools: Emergency Procedures to be Reviewed; Here to Help

In a note over the weekend, Rye City School Superindendent Frank Alvarez told parents the school system would review its emergency management procedures and was available to help childrrens' needs:

"Dear Parents,

Our thoughts and prayers are with the community of Newtown, CT, most specifically the families and staff directly impacted by yesterday's tragic incident.

Safety is a major concern in schools across our nation. RCSD personnel take this matter very seriously. Emergency management procedures are reviewed annually and students practice drills throughout the year. Please be assured that District administrators will review our emergency management plans, once again, based on what we learn from this most recent event. 

Parents are the best judge of their child(ren)'s needs.  However, we are here to help. Administrators, counselors, psychologist, social workers, school nurses and others will be available starting Monday to assist in addressing your family's needs. In the interim, you may want to visit the American Psychological Association's web site–www.apa.org–where there are several articles providing guidance on talking to your children, limiting exposure to news coverage, and knowing the warning signs of stress in children.

Frank Alvarez


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