Rye High Senior is Electric

Well, we guess Con Ed did something good, finally…

HS Catherine Livingston

Rye High School senior Catherine Livingston was recognized as a Con Edison “Athlete of the Week” for the month of October. This distinction is part of the Westchester Scholastic Sports Award Program.

Catherine plays soccer, basketball, and softball, and is captain of all three varsity teams. She has already proven to be an excellent leader, helping to bring the Garnets soccer team to several victories this fall. Catherine is an outstanding scholar as well. She is a National Merit Commended Scholar, an AP Scholar, and a member of the National Honor Society. She was the 2012 recipient of the Hobart and William Smith Book Award, which recognizes a student each year who is “grounded in values of equity and service.” Catherine has earned many additional honors at the annual RHS awards assemblies, and by the time she graduates, will have completed seven AP classes and earned 4 college credits for the Syracuse University Project Advance Forensics course.

I'm exhausted just reading this…

Highly involved in and around the community, Catherine is a Rye Youth Soccer League referee and an umpire for the Rye Girls’ Softball Association.  She has additionally worked at a day camp, volunteered at the Osborn School carnival, volunteered for the Westchester Triathlon, and participated in the Student Environmental Action Leadership Society.

Even more tired…

In nominating Catherine for the Con Edison award, Coach Richard Savage wrote, “She never shies away from a challenge and believes it is these experiences that make her stronger; she takes pride in her work and is completely dedicated to everything she does. Catherine is a model student and an enthusiastic learner.”


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