Cool Roof, Sack Boats & Brett Parks: Items on the Rye City Council Agenda for January 23, 2013
(PICTURE: Rye City Hall by local artist Heather Patterson)
The city council's agenda for its meeting on Wednesday, January 23, 2013 is out.
There will be a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of
Rye on Wednesday, January 23, 2013 at 8:00pm in the Council Room of
City Hall. The Council will convene at 7:00pm and adjourn into Executive Session to discuss real estate matters.
Office Hours of the Mayor by appointment by emailing
Meetings are also aired on Cablevision Channel 75 and Verizon Channel 39. We'll also see you on the Internet (live and archive).
Let's check the batting order and highlights from the 15 agenda items.
- Doug's Details. Update from the Sustainability Committee on a draft Sustainability Plan and a proposed “cool roof” initiative; Discussion of Land Use Workshop; Legal Update
- Patronage:
- One appointment to the Board of Architectural Review for a three-year term;
- One appointment to the Traffic & Pedestrian Safety Committee for a three-year term.
- New Assignments. Adjustment to City Council Liaison designations by the Mayor. Boat Basin Commission – Councilman Joseph Sack; Rye Town Park – Councilwoman Laura Brett.
- Open Mic. A Crowd Favorite. Residents may be heard on matters for Council consideration that do not appear on the agenda.
The next regular meeting of the City Council will be held on Wednesday, February 13, 2013.
Laura Brett picked for RTP?
No one on that Council other than French & Sack has been more in the know than Catherine Parker, was she not even a consideration, did she turn it down if she was asked?
Seems Laura Brett has been picked to play the double for Suzanna Keith!
New out from Leah Rae (LoHud) –
Plunkett Crony DA DiFiore to Get Golf Club Investigation Results.|newswell|text|Rye%20City|p
Kevin Plunkett & Steve Otis. How, when & why did they allow the Rye Golf Club multi-million dollar “no-bid, no-questions-asked, no-questions-answered, no-contract” arrangements with shell company RM Staffing to EVER EVEN EXIST?
And why did Doug French resist an independent investigation here with every dodge he could use?
Sorry Jim, but I just can’t resist, hope you don’t mind that I borrow this……..
Lets all chip in and get Ray some lifts. Man needs elevator shoes to feel like a man. Ray, help. A size 7 on those midget feet?
Here to help Ray…,+sometime+in+your+life.%22&um=1&hl=en&sa=N&tbo=d&rlz=1W4CHBB_enUS519&biw=1280&bih=865&tbm=isch&tbnid=THoeu6V-1mgg1M:&imgrefurl=,r:21,s:0,i:153
He doesn’t need shows, he needs to know where the rest of his dock is. The part that wasn’t “left” on Hen Island. Rumor has it, the rest of his dock is “lurking just beneath the surface of Milton Harbor” just waiting to injure someone.
Must tie DA Fiore to Plunkett before the report is released and all my claims are rebuked. Must show Fiore might professionally know Plunkett. Must keep conspiracy going. Must make up friendships. Must have excuse that report is unfavorable to my position so I can make ass of myself in perpetuity.
That’s right “Six” – you hidey hole fraud – nothing to see here…the RM Staffing competitive bid submission file will surely be found, the city council’s RM Staffing authorization vote recording will definitely be unearthed, the RM Staffing due diligence “Fitness Study” will fall from the sky, the DiFiore “Nanny Gate” is a Westchester Guardian fiction….and….Plunkett & Otis will take turns topping each other trying to impersonate Sergeant Schultz.
For those of you that missed Councilman Filippout’s rant during last nights Council Meeting, this is an email sent to RYE OFFICIALS from westchester on air:
Councilman Filippi,
Your speech this evening was barbaric and the references used were deplorable. You owe the community a public apology. I am embarrassed to say that I voted for you during the last election.
The corrosiveness in Rye is directly related to the actions and thoughts you share with the public as a representative of our City Council. I question if you have any idea of the legal ramifications of your wording and the venerable legal position you have placed the City in.
Please don’t take this as a personal attack but I would recommend you don’t speak in the future without first obtaining pre-arranged clearance from our corporate Council.
(In a darkened control room, sometime in the very near future)
Director: “Cameras 2 and 3?”
Cameras: “Ready – Ready.”
Director: “JIB Camera set for push?”
JIB Camera: “Ready.”
Director: “Ok everybody here we go. Video?”
Video: “We have speed.”
Director: “Roll Open – Music Up – Announcer!”
“In this week’s JUSTICE WITH JUDGE RICHARD, we’ll explore sorely needed media restriction reforms to the antiquated 1st Amendment – have our round table panel consider why the public should not be concerned at all about what happens behind closed government doors, and show you the exciting new things we discovered during our own recent visit to The Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California. All that and our smear tip of the week – it’s about Nazi’s – so don’t miss it!”
Director: “Dissolve! Take JIB Camera. JIB In. Judge!”
Judge Richard: “Good evening. Tonight..”
See time code 3:58 – 15:50
I am a petulant child. When I don’t get what I want, I get “frustrated ” and when I get “frustrated”, I throw a temper tantrum. Lately, when I get “frustrated” I throw myself on the floor and cry uncontrollably for hours. Previously, when I got “frustrated” and didn’t get my way, I purposely coughed repeatedly until I vomited up my dinner. One time at the grocery store, I was so “frustrated” at my Mom because she wouldn’t buy me a box of Count Chocula , I cried so long and loud, my Mom left the groceries in the cart and walked out of the store. When I’m “frustrated” and don’t get my way I throw food across the dinner table on a regular basis. That’s what we petulant children do when we’re “frustrated” and not getting our way fast enough. Unfortunately, my Mom doesn’t give in to my petulance and continually teaches me the proper way to act when I get all petulant on her. She teaches me that you can’t always get what you want and she never puts up with my boorish behavior. Fortunately , it seems like the situation is very different in the adult world. Petulance is not only tolerated but encouraged!. You might think that’s crazy but, why else would the term “petulant child” exist for children but the term “petulant adult” be non-existent ????? I think it’s because when adults act petulant they’re not considered petulant but, are considered exercising their first amendment rights! How cool is that????? Thank You, Thomas Jefferson! I can’t wait to grow up! I don’t want to act , or be taught to act, in a reasonable way, I want an excuse to be able to act like a petulant jerk for the rest of my life and the first amendment is just the ticket to allow me to do that! I now understand that as a child, acting like “frustrated” jerk is frowned upon but when you’re an adult and act like a “frustrated” jerk you’re considered an American! As an adult there is no limits to you’re boorish behavior because it’s constitutionally protected ! Any time your acting like a jerk and someone questions your behavior, you can just point to the first amendment and say, “Hey!, I’m not being a boor, I’m being a true American!” ! It’s a shame the first amendment doesn’t apply to kids, or maybe it does! I guess I’ll tell my Mom I’m exercising my first amendment rights the next time I have a hankerin’ for Count Chocula.
Richard Filippi is a disgusting human being and a complete lunatic. Not only can he barely get a word out without stuttering, but he casts dispersions on people who are not even in the room to defend themselves. These dispersions are in the form of personal attacks, particularly against Leon Sculti and Andrew Dapolite. In the very same sentence, Flipout Filippi has the audacity to lecture the public on refraining these very same types of attacks against elected officials- individuals with the ability to speak from a dais and defend themselves.
Every one of these “attacks” against the Mayor and City Manager brought forward by Leon in the last year or so has been supported by facts, causing this Council to find new maneuvers to avoid addressing the issues, such as Scott Pickup’s concealment of public records, and Nicole Levitsky lying to the public. By the way, the meeting was not videotaped, right?
Leon has been at the forefront of the Rye Golf Club scandal. His research initially uncovered the excessive overtime hours which fueled the member rally to demand a City Council Investigation. That investigation would not have happened had Leon not devoted his time to help his fellow members.
As for Flipout Filippi’s comments regarding Andrew Dapolite, I am completely disgusted. He misrepresented the whole issue and made untrue accusations about Andrew and stated conclusions, as if he conducted his own investigation, clearing Scott Pickup and Nicole Levitsky of any wrongdoing. He now attempts to put the blame back on the only individual (Andrew) who stood up and said “No! I’m not going to lie”. Richard Filippi should be ashamed of himself.
Flipout- Good points. I had not realized it was Leon who exposed that information. Richard Filippi lost it last night. And his attack on former Mayor John Carey infuriates me. Andrew Dapolite was the only one in the Rye TV situation who did nothing wrong. He told the truth, and Mr. Carey helped protect Andrew from the sort of spineless slander we heard last night. I have a major problem with people like Richard Filippi who attack people like Andrew Dapolite. I admire Andrew for his conviction in doing what is morally right.
It seemed as if Councilman Filippi overdosed on Viagra at last night’s meeting.
Jack A. (Mr. Floatie’s ass-istant)
What I want investigated is whether there is a City policy that says workshops are not to be videotaped and whether Andrew went ahead anyway and videotaped the workshop. I like to know if Mr. Sack was involved if that did happen. I’d also like to know if anyone else influenced Andrew’s decision. I’d also like to know if Andrew was using the City’s equiptment, mentioned in the disciplinary action of Scott Pickup, to make videos for a non-resident of Rye. IMO, Mr. Fillippi is correct, it’s all about the pea under the mattress.
Does somebody drop a lawsuit against the City if it could possibly damage his reputation forever and keep himself from ever getting a real job again?????? The answer to that question is all you need to know in this case. Everything else is BS. Is it possible Andrew was in the wrong and didn’t drop the case out of the kindness of his heart but actually held a pair of 2’s?
Petulant, You are wrong. Perhaps you should review your City Council packets/charter. According to the City Council resolution of September 16, 2009, the Council is to:
“televise all public meetings of the City Council including regular meetings, special meetings AND WORKSHOPS”, stating: “BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, when staff is not available, the meetings
will be audio taped and made available to the public through the same media as video recorded
meetings.” Sept. 16, 2009 minutes.
Scott Pickup has no excuse for waiting 13 days before releasing this videotape. Joe Sack should not have to fight with the man in City Hall to get a videotaped meeting posted. Why did Pickup lie? Why did Nicole Levitsky go along with it for so many days? I commend Andrew for standing up for what is right.
Forever trying to conseal the truth with one pathetic spin after another….put down the kool-aid “CHILD” and get real!!!
It sure has been a busy weekend on MyRye. So much so that TypePad is apparently blocking longer comments here. To let me cut this one into 2 parts. And let me be so bold as to change the subject here for a moment.
I remember a city council meeting not too long ago where the discussion went back and forth over the need for capital resources to maintain a large municipal vacuum truck to clear and clean storm and other drains in Rye so as to prevent local street ponding and flooding. These giant rolling tank-toped vehicles are very very pricy but are supposed to save lots of man-hours and lead to more efficient and thus more top level maintenance of city subsurface infrastructure with the same number of city employees. That’s the theory anyway.
But that theory, and the theory that city DPW staff follow routines that bring that cause them to regularly inspect and remedy clogged storm drains, is regrettably apparently just another municipal false promise. (Like reliably clearing snow from sidewalk access to crosswalks for schoolchildren.)
Across from the bus stop at the Rye Train Station is a small grass island surrounded by permit holder parking spaces. Signs saying “Park front wheels to curb” are displayed. All of us who favor this grass island locale know about “the drain.” It’s directly opposite the MTA elevator and in line (sort of) with the service department of Rye Ford up the hill in the distance. “The drain” has been blocked for months. So when it rains all the cars parked along the line opposite the bus stop get flooded. This requires permit holders to soak their shoes (or remove them) when they return in the evening to get in their cars after even a moderate rain.
This morning I pulled into the spot directly in front of “the drain.” It’s going to rain later today so I took my ice scraper out and dug into it as far as the grating would allow. The soils and debris in it were soft and very easy to remove but I could only go down a few inches. I couldn’t raise the grate with the ice scraper – a steel crowbar would be required – but I could see that this apparently wasn’t a full blown “vacuum truck” project at all but more like a bucket and shovel job. A bucket and shovel job simply undone for months and months and months.
Much has been said (over and over) about the need to maintain the MTA parking lots so people don’t break their ankles in the pot holes or crossing the large stretches of broken blacktop. These would require zero major restorations, just simple attention and routine maintenance. You know, no major dollar project, no bond indenture required, just the kind of regular thing Rye taxpayers pay their taxes to have done by the DPW.
Now I personally know that more than a few former and current city council members favor parking around this same small grass island. So they know already about “the drain.” Maybe I could ask that one of them would speak up and second my proposal that this very small service be done. Or they could make a phone call. That, after all, would surely be within the bounds of “putting the city’s interests first.” No?
Doesn’t sound like something anyone can “profit” from, I think you shit outta luck,lol!