Rye Schools Issue High Security Alert, Lockdown

From Rye City Schools, 8:15am Friday:


High Security Alert

Our schools are on a high security alert today.  All doors will remain locked during the day and outdoor activities will be limited.  This is the result of yesterday's incident in Mamaroneck where an unidentified male entered the Hommocks Middle School to retrieve a garment in the school's lost and found.  The man was allegedly carrying a gun and was denied entry to the school. We were made aware of this incident approximately an hour after it happened yesterday and our schools went into a high security alert at the time.  The Rye Police Department is aware of the incident and we have been in constant communication.

From Osborn Elementary, 8:35am Friday:

Dear Parents,

As you may already know, yesterday there was a security concern at a neighboring school district.  Dr. Alvarez asked that I share with you that our schools are on a high security alert today.  All doors will remain locked during the day and outdoor activities will be limited.  This is the result of yesterday's incident in Mamaroneck where an unidentified male entered the Hommocks Middle School to retrieve a garment in the school's lost and found.  The man was allegedly carrying a gun and was denied entry to the school. We were made aware of this incident approximately an hour after it happened yesterday and our schools went into a high security alert at the time.  The Rye Police Department is aware of the incident and we have been in constant communication.

At Osborn we will increase the security at the front entrance from now until further notice.  We ask that you not try to enter the school unless you have an emergency or a scheduled appointment.  If so, please come to the front door with your driver's license and present it through the glass door.  We will then cross reference it with the Osborn Directory.  If you are a parent in the school you will be permitted in.  If it is a nanny or extended relative who is not listed in the directory, a phone call to the front office must be made in advance of the arrival.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the main office.  We thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Angela Garcia, Osborn Principal


From Rye Middle School, 10:45am

Friday, January 4th, 2013

Dear Parents,

Our schools are on a high security alert today.  All doors will remain locked during the day and outdoor activities will be limited.  This is the result of yesterday's incident in Mamaroneck where an unidentified male entered the Hommocks Middle School to retrieve a garment in the school's lost and found.  The man was allegedly carrying a gun and was denied entry to the school. We were made aware of this incident approximately an hour after it happened yesterday and our schools went into a high security alert at the time.  The Rye Police Department is aware of the incident and we have been in constant communication.


Dr. Ann Edwards, Principal




  1. So now we’ve come full circle. It was only a matter of time that a citizen who probably has a permit to carry a concealed weapon has caused locked down in half the schools in Westchester because we think he’s possibly the next Adam Lanza. Only in Faux News world can this happen because when you’re always using Faux News knee-jerk circular logic it’s always just a matter of time. So now it has to follow that Faux News would be a proponent of making sure concealed weapon permit owners have the right to walk into schools carrying heat and there should be no questions asked or any police follow up or investigation. Anything besides complete apathy by the authorities would be a violation of their right to have a permit to carry a concealed weapon without being outed or hassled.

  2. Some Non-Fake News:


    By Roland Martin, CNN Contributor

    “At 9:40 a.m. on December 14, America’s attention was turned to Newtown, Connecticut, where 20 children and six adults were gunned down in an elementary school. The nation was grief-stricken. President Barack Obama arrived two days later operating as consoler-in-chief, and the dialogue immediately commenced on what steps should be taken to prevent another Newtown.

    Shortly after 9 p.m. on December 27, Chicago police found the body of Nathaniel T. Jackson outside a convenience store, marking the 500th homicide of the year in the Windy City, most of them due to gun violence.”
    “Mental illness has been discussed, but it has been a distant second to the loud voices championing a ban on assault weapons, background checks or closing gun show loopholes. Very few media sources have done extensive reporting on mental illness budgets in their cities and states.”
    “If we are going to keep saying, “let’s have a conversation,” then by God let’s do it. Right now, we are seeing advocates against guns and for guns try to score points and demonize one another. That’s not a conversation. It’s an exercise in futility.”

    Read more: https://www.cnn.com/2012/12/28/opinion/martin-gun-conversation/index.html?iref=allsearch

  3. So now according to information at lohud.com, public officials are blaming the newspapers for the laws that the public officials wrote. LOL. There is also a rush to conceal the the information of the permit holders who are concealing. Greg Ball and the dimwits representing Putnam County are trying to draw up a law as we speak to conceal the info about the concealers. I hope if I ever break the law Greg Ball is there to bail me out with my own private law that exempts me from abiding by the law.

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