tedc, I don’t know what rye train station you were at this morning, but I have to disagree with you. I too was there about 8AM and the lots were approximately half full!
“Above AC” they may be out of town but they are rarely I think out of contact.
Just keep an eye on this commentary space and watch as more evidence of city hall / Rye political class malfeasance is published – a truly bi-partisan, costly, multiyear debacle.
Funny how all the assholes disappear from myrye during any school break!!!
I thought some of them were retired?
lol, cowards never retire – we are not that fortunate.
As long as they have an opportunity to speak anonymously they will!
Maybe one day Mr. Sears will grow a different set of standards???
The Rye train station parking lots this morning at around 8AM were approximately half empty.
tedc, I don’t know what rye train station you were at this morning, but I have to disagree with you. I too was there about 8AM and the lots were approximately half full!
Ted C., Avg.,
Are you agreeing with me, you think the cowards are out of town?
“Above AC” they may be out of town but they are rarely I think out of contact.
Just keep an eye on this commentary space and watch as more evidence of city hall / Rye political class malfeasance is published – a truly bi-partisan, costly, multiyear debacle.
“Once the “smoking gun” tape was made public on August 5, Nixon’s political support evaporated.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nixon_White_House_tapes