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HomeGovernmentRye Golf Club Investigation Fees Over $250K, Will Cost More

Rye Golf Club Investigation Fees Over $250K, Will Cost More

Over a cool quarter of a million bucks.

According to a Rye City memo (page 27), the total cost of the RGC Investigation to date has been $255,431.08.

The city is expecting even more legal fees associated with unwinding the mess, and will ask the Rye City Council to transfer $77,000 from the General Fund Contingent Account during the city council meeting Wednesday to keep feeding the lawyers.

What do you think? Leave a comment below.

  1. Right Jay – it’s a shame.

    We could have cut off the Rye Golf swindle at its knees IF the powers that be had just done what Mr. French promised Bob Schubert to get our support and help get him elected – an immediate council supported investigation into the purposeful destruction of Rye’s Forest Avenue Swamp. We have all the same issues Rye Golf did and does – and we could have cleaned up the systemic corruption at City Hall BEFORE the golfers got so massively fleeced.

    But no.


    Now look at all this money spent to get where we could have gotten for a tiny fraction of it only 5 years ago.

  2. tedc:

    How is it we spent $300,000 so far to find the culprits, that in all likelihood will include Pickup, that we are now being asked by Pickup to pay his legal fees and any monetary damages he may be responsible for?

    Does this make any sense whatsoever?

    If Pickup did anything wrong, criminal or otherwise, it is not the taxpayers who should be paying for his incompetence and or culpability, it is Pickup.

    Pickup should be fired. Why hasn’t he been fired already? Is it because French, Jovanovich, Filippi and the barefoot contessa Keith ran on a platform to bring stability to the City Manager’s position and all they did was make it 10X worse by hiring Pickup?

    It is time to do what is best for the residents and the employees of Rye by getting rid of this guy Pickup.

    French and his cohorts will already go down in history as Rye’s worst serving council members so firing Pickup will have no impact on their legacy. It is already in the crapper.

  3. Email sent to city manager and city council this weekend:
    Good morning,
    The PBA foiled the billing statements (PBA related) for your labor attorney Vince Toomey for the years 2008 to present day. Based on the incomplete information released to the PBA from the city we were able to make a preliminary spreadsheet (attached below). Please keep in mind that it would have cost the city @ $35,000 to have settled the contract for 2009-2010. You will see that the cost for paying your attorney mr.Toomey is 8 times the cost of having agreed to an amicable contract. In addition the data/billing for arbitration, mediation and perb hearings have yet to be calculated.
    At the end of the day how much will it cost the city to “see it through”? I guarantee the answer is “significantly more” than it would have cost too settle with the PBA.

    Enjoy your weekend,

    Franco Compagnone
    PBA president

    Rye Police Benevolent Association, Inc
    FOIL Request
    January 1, 2008 through Septmber 10, 2011

    Schedule of Vincent Toomey Invoices

    Invoice Date Year Invoice Amount Invoice Description Check Number Comments
    1/14/08 2007 6388.46 For Legal Services December 2007 00300286
    2007 Total 6388.46
    2/14/08 2008 8700.41 For Legal Services January 2008 00300742
    3/17/08 2008 19100.52 For Legal Services February 2008 00301425
    4/18/08 2008 7109.63 For Legal Services March 2008 00301614
    4/23/08 2008
    E-Mail: April ivoice puts account over budget. Supplemental appropriation being requested at May 7, 2008 Council Meeting
    5/15/08 2008 2908.78 For Legal Services April 2008 00302063 Detail of services rendered provided
    6/13/08 2008 8280.75 For Legal Services May 2008 00302608 Detail of services rendered provided
    7/21/08 2008 10749.67 For Legal Services June 2008 00303262
    8/21/08 2008 6230.88 For Legal Services July 2008 00303869
    9/10/08 2008 14086.75 For Legal Services August 2008 00304760
    10/22/08 2008 5184.32 For Legal Services September 2008 00304760
    11/14/08 2008 5469.48 For Legal Services October 2008 00305065
    12/9/08 2008 4542.19 For Legal Services November 2008 00305885
    1/8/09 2008 9650.28 For Legal Services December 2008 00306026
    2008 Total 102013.66
    2/9/09 2009 14584.11 For Legal Services January 2009 00306401
    3/18/09 2009 5112.89 For Legal Services February 2009 00306964
    4/21/09 2009 7833.62 For Legal Services March 2009 00307482
    5/11/09 2009 12630.96 For Legal Services April 2009 00307708
    6/15/09 2009 5999.64 For Legal Services May 2009 00308304
    7/15/09 2009 4037.77 For Legal Services June 2009 00308954
    8/21/09 2009 7005.01 For Legal Services July 2009 00309768
    9/10/09 2009 3990.08 For Legal Services August 2009 00309768
    9/15/09 2009
    E-Mail: City Manager’s budget meeting moving $30,000 from Police Overtime Account to Personnel to cover Vincent Toomey bills
    10/8/09 2009 26565.33 For Legal Services September 2009 00310981
    11/6/09 2009 19096.91 For Legal Services October 2009 00310981
    12/10/09 2009 2457.22 For Legal Services November 2009 00311148
    2009 Total 109313.54
    1/18/11 2010 9570.28 For Legal Services December 2010 00316725
    2010 Total 9570.28
    2/3/11 2011 13815.79 For Legal Services January 2011 00317165
    3/10/11 2011 15093.8 For Legal Services February 2011 00317640
    4/4/11 2011 16594.25 For Legal Services March 2011 00318102
    5/11/11 2011 2557.78 For Legal Services April 2011 00318395
    6/6/11 2011 5923.7 For Legal Services May 2011 00318877
    7/5/11 2011 5485.52 For Legal Services June 2011 00319353
    2011 Total 59470.84
    Grand Total 286756.78

  4. If you notice in the foil info released to us that there are no invoices provided for 2010 (except for one) and they did not give all of 2011 invoices. Those figures potentially add @ $150-200k in attorney fees to the $290k on our spreadsheet. They even go so far as to take $30k from the police budget to pay the labor attorney (on 9/15/09). No money for training, raises or equipment but plenty for mr. Toomey. They will continue to throw money at their attorneys to cover for their continued failure in every aspect of city governing.

  5. Ted,


    I have never in my life witnessed such a group of individuals with as little shame as some of these clowns display on a daily basis!!!

    GOD HELP US!!!

  6. Congratulations Doug you have now surpassed “Yonkers the City of hills where nothing is on the level” Hopefully this will change soon! And to think this was all exposed because of an 89 WWII Veteran, 34 selfish cottage owners and two Mayors that have refused to pay attention and enforce the law. You should be proud of your accomplishments Doug! You have led us out of the frying pan and into the fire…You get one atta boy Doug!!! ATTA BOY!!!

  7. Dear Mr. Compagnone,
    There must be a typo in your post. Is it really possible that the union would have accepted a two year contract that would have cost the City of Rye only $35,000? Assuming 20 officers, that works out to two lump sum, annual, non-compounded payments of $875 to each bargaining unit member! Did you submit this extraordinarily modest proposal to an arbitration panel? Has your membership sought your removal? As a taxpayer, I’m shocked, shocked that this deal wasn’t accepted by my elected representatives.

  8. Be careful what you ask for because you just might get it. Look at all the Lostdeo.com crowd having a canary over the cost of the investigation they so desperately wanted. And in the end, Scott Pickup will not be guilty of anything. So sad and now Mr. Flotie is blaming it on Hen Island! As Mr. Amico often says, “you can’t make this sh*t up!”

  9. Dear mr Byrne.
    I have sat in attendance with my colleagues in over 20 contract negotiation meetings, 3 mediation meetings, 1 Perb hearing and 4 arbitration meetings since 2009. That figure which I mention in my email is accurate, a figure that was more than reasonable for the economic times of that period. I don’t recall you at any of those negotiation meetings as to contend that figure? Now lets use your numbers: 20 members ( when in fact there are 34) at $875 x 2 years is $1750 per member. Now compare that number with the cost your “elected officials” spent on their Labor attorney for the same period of time. That figure as of today is still unknown because your “elected officials” failed to supply to us mr. Toomey’s complete invoices as per our FOIL request. Based on the information that we did receive: 2009 Total $109,313.54 and 2010 Total $9570.28 that’s $118,884. Now mr. Byrne compare those two figures….and remember we have yet to receive all of mr Toomey’s 2010 invoices. Taking all that into account you state that the PBA membership should seek my removal? I welcome you to our February union meeting so you can address the attending membership. You can make your case as to why I should be removed as their representative and also express how “as a taxpayer, how shocked, shocked! that this deal wasn’t accepted by your elected representatives”. I bet you can’t be as shocked as someone coming home early and catching you on the couch with his wife. When you get your morale and ethical house in order then you can throw stones my friend, until then stay under your little rock.

  10. Toomey and his law firm have been paid at least $312,000 since 2009 by the City of Rye. This was as of about April of 2012. I’m sure given all the arbitrations, etc in 2012 this amount has skyrocketed.

    Since 2009 he and his law firm have also been paid at least:

    Eastchester $528,000.

    Greenburgh $95,000.

    new Rochelle $414,000.

    Larchmont $214,000.

    harrison $500,000.

    Sleepy Hollow $150,000.

    Westchester County $225,000.

    East Hampton $476,000.

    Town of South Hampton $784,000.

    Village of South Hampton $315,000.

    Sag Harbor $77,000.

    There are probably more towns that Toomey works for so there is probably a lot more legal fees.

    Since 2009 total of Westchester towns including Rye at least $2,438,000 to Toomey and his law firm.

    Since 2009 total of Suffolk County at least $1,652,000 to Toomey and his law firm.

    That’s more than $4,000,000.

    Since 2001 at least $10,300,000 to Toomey and his law firm.

    I wonder how many of these towns that Toomey works in have good labor/management relationships.

    Who benefits the most when the labor/management relationships are not good?

  11. Franco,

    “I bet you can’t be as shocked as someone coming home early and catching you on the couch with his wife. When you get your morale and ethical house in order then you can throw stones my friend, until then stay under your little rock.”

    What does this have to do with “contract negotiations”???

    You are the PBA President, try sticking to the script with a little more maturity!!!

    “Ethical”??? Really,lol!!!

  12. A maturity lesson 101 from Jimmy ” I’ll bury you” Amico. Then you can take lesson 102 Jimmy ” I’m all powerful” Amico. I din’t know there was a script here Jim? Another person giving advise they can’t follow themselves….

  13. Franco,

    It is no secret I do not think very highly of you and I’m quite sure it’s no secret your thoughts of me are mutual.
    So try putting your guard down for once when engaging in opinions with Rye Residents. A gun & a badge does not give you the right to insult people every where you go.

    Your “personal” comment directed at Mr. Byrne was neither relevant nor appropriate, just as in your reply to me.

    There are many members of your Dept. that do not deserve the black eye it gets every time you speak and spew “personal insults”.

    FTR – This is not advice but constructive critisism and whether you like it or not you do have a script…it’s the script expceted of a PBA PRESIDENT!!!

    When you speak you speak for your entire dept., so what you say your entire dept says and I highly doubt your entire dept would repeat the personal insults you spew every time you speak!

    This is no way to gain “public support” for the Dept.

  14. Jim, your statement in the fist paragraph is correct but only because you created the situation. I could care less about what you think or do in your life. I don’t hide behind my badge when I respond to citizens attempting to discredit factual information that I am attempting to disseminate for the benefit of the taxpayer. My response to sarcasm and someone’s attempt to ridicule mine and my members work for 4 plus years is to reciprocate the favor. I do not “spew insults” what I mentioned was a fact. I have honorably represented the membership for 12 plus years from trustee, Secratary and now President. It’s not a script, this is not make believe or a made for TV movie. My mantra is simple, honorable respectable people who care about Rye will be treated as such, dishonest liars attempting to deflect from the truth and the corruption will be also be treated as such. As for understanding constructive criticism I know how it works Jim but let me give you some, you can’t give such criticism when your guilty of not accepting the very same criticisms. Lastly as far as public support for the members of the PBA that speaks for itself…..

  15. Last week officials from Rye PD and City hall responded to the DA’s office for a meeting about the details of the RGC investigation. Why is it that in this day and age when all sorts of crimes, criminal and civil are made public but this supposed “madolf moment” is still sealed? You have a whole community and RgC membership at a standstill and for what? So they can get their stories straight? The more time goes by the larger the doubt climbs that something will be done. The RPD was directed to start an investigation but there is no confidential report number. All I was told when I did ask was that they have a folder in which they place any articles and newspaper clippings regarding RGC. Is that considered an investigation? But it is not surprising considering the past history of confidential investigations by our police commissioner. I am sure what I just wrote will be placed in the very same folder.

  16. Richard Slack,

    Why don’t you ask Mr. Flotie how much money it cost him to put his lawsuit against Hen Island on the FRONT PAGE of the Journal News before you believe every thing you read in the newspapers. BTW, why don’t you look up the meaning of the word “seems” before you start quoting the article as gospel.

  17. Franco,

    I’m not going to defend myself and make this a he said she said, you have your opinion and I have mine.

    I just want to clear up what I mean by “script”…I do not mean it as in it is made up and being acted out. I mean as PBA President things are expected of you, especially “behavior”!

    We all know your comment towards Mr. Byrnes are factual, it’s no secret, there aren’t many here in Rye, I just think you should rise above that in your position, I don’t see it as necessary or relevant.
    It takes away from what you were trying to accomplish.

    There are many A**HOLES on this site that sling mud, I don’t agree with it, especially given that they do it in a cowardly fashion, as PBA Prez I don’t think you do yourself or your fellow members any favors by lowering yourself to those standards, just my opinion.

    As for the PD Contract and the facts behind it, I am 100% on your side (the Dept’s), which is why we are having this conversation.

  18. IVD,
    Is this the article you are referring to?

    The important question is how much did Hen Island and the City of Rye spend to avoid compliance? The city of Rye has spent thousands and thousands on three separate lawsuits and you really can’t put a price tag on the value that they have lost in public trust and wasted time.

    I am confident that The Board of Directors of Hen Island has spent well in excess of a half a million dollars to enable them to continue to pollute the waters of the Long Island Sound and jeopardize the lives daily of every Rye resident with West Nile Virus.

    To answer your question, I spent a very small portion in comparison to what the City and Hen Island has paid both financially and credibility wise .

    One last very sad thought as it applies to the online name you are using. What price would you place on the consequences and the pressure that Doug French and Scott Pickup has put on every honest, hard working city employee including Vinnie to cover up Schubert, Hen Island, Dapolite, French’s taxes and building permit issues, Rye Golf Club, FOILS, legal fees, 1037 BPR, and other surprises that we have not made public yet.

    Hope you enjoy your Valentine’s day as you attempt to drag one of Rye’s most beloved and dedicated employees thru the mud. At this time, I would like to be the second to request you please consider this a personal plea to change your online name, you POS.

  19. Mr. Flotie,

    So, can we assume you’ve paid for most of the articles that show up in the Journal News about Rye which triggers Rye residents to show up at Council meetings quoting those articles thinking they are legitimate articles written by honest reporters but instead are really prpaganda paid for by you??? And now it’s more important how much money people have spent fighting the lawsuits you have filed against them than whether the press is corrupt?????? That’s hilarious.

  20. Does Mr. Flotie own Lostdeos.com???

    Does Mr. Flotie’s unethical lawyer, Jordan Glass, write Peon Skull-f**k’s speeches Peon regurgitates at the Council meetings?

    Why has Mr. Flotie proposed neighbors who live near Rye employees or Council members fill out the financial disclosure forms?? Is it because he doesn’t live near any Councilperson or Rye employee because he doesn’t live in Rye?? How convenient.

    Has anyone seen the propane tanks Mr. Flotie has insisted are floating around Milton Harbor since 1992???

    How much money has Mr. Flotie spent on his lawyer, Jordan Glass ???? If I didn’t know any better, I would have thought they were married they spend so much time together.

    Mr. Fillippi speaks the truth.

    When will the next Rye employee have health problems due to the stress caused by the lostdeos.com crowd???

  21. Is anyone surprised everyone in Rye has to “lawyer up” considering Mr. Flotie shows up to every Council meeting with legal representation??????

    If Mr. Flotie owns lostdeos.com and pays the Journal News to publish articles advocating his propaganda while also posting 24/7 on myrye.com, it begs the question, “Is there any media outlet in Westchester that isn’t publishing Mr. Flotie propaganda????

  22. @ IVD,

    “Mr. Fillippi speaks the truth.”

    Don’t you mean Suzanna “horses ass” Keith???

    You are a true PIECE OF GARBAGE!
    I’m sure Vinny’s kids would just love it if they sign onto myrye only to find an A**HOLE such as you mocking their fathers death!!

    Mr. Jay Sears,

    If you had one ounce of class you would put an end to this PIECE OF TRASH using that sign on label!!!

    For god sakes Jay, be a man and step up to the damn plate…this is BS that you would not only allow this but allow it to go on this long!!!

  23. If anyone thinks

    “Schubert, Hen Island, Dapolite, French’s taxes and building permit issues, Rye Golf Club, FOILS, legal fees, 1037 BPR, and other surprises that we have not made public yet”

    doesn’t have anything to do with Hen Island, they need to immediately pull their head out of their ass.

  24. Investigate Vinny/ Ed Volpe:

    I think your position is a little far fetched. A conspiracy beginning with Ray Tartaglione, stretching to Leon Sculti and Andrew Dapolite, Joe Sack now encompassing Richard Slack and the Journal News?

    You really believe Ray has enough influence/The Journal News is corrupt enough where he can control the coverage? You don’t need to look that hard for corruption Ed. Especially if the Mayor leaves his blinds open.

  25. Rye oldtimer are you saying that investigate Vinnie’s death is Ed Volpe?
    Now there is a winner. Ed Volpe is Doug French’s family friend and neighbor on Meadow Place. I believe he was somehow affiliated with the perpetrators that vandalized my home on several occasions and urinated in my water tanks. I also remember either he or his brothers or both urinating on tents where grade school girls and their fathers camped out over-night on Hen Island. That was really a father daughter outing to remember! Maybe he was the only one involved; I would have to check the Rye police reports? I wonder if he has been friends with Doug going back that far. I wonder if Doug was ever invited out to the Island for a family sleepover in tents.

    The Volpe’s mother Lorraine was the Hen Island board member that instructed Hen Island residents to burry dead birds as the rest of Westchester County was taking samples to the State Department of Health for testing during the original West Nile Virus epidemic in 1999. That would also be the same board member that led the effort to remove the mosquito control program on Hen Island that had been in place and effective for the previous six years.

    Mrs. Lorraine Volpe is also the sister of the current President of the Board of Directors on Hen Island his name is Ben Minard. That would be the same Ben Minard that has lead to movement among Board members to spend over a half of million dollars on legal fees to avoid compliance on sewage, potable water and mosquito infestation when they could of addressed and cured the problems for much less money. Also the same board President that condoned the building of an 80 foot wall along the Shores of Milton Harbor without permits and when the City told him to take it down what did he do? He sued the City of Rye and lost.

    Even after he sued the City Mr. Minard with the help of Scott Pickup and Mayor Doug French, just this year, have required and allowed 34 home owners to install new composting toilets along the shores of Milton Harbor without one application being submitted to any agency and without any building, electrical or plumbing permits issued by the City of Rye.

    Unfortunately they are still using the same old illegal sewage systems to dispose of liquid household waste such as kitchen and bath water, urine and diarrhea. Some of these unit installations are time bombs waiting to explode and they still pollute the Sound. Below is a five gallon container of urine from one of the composting units left along the shoreline of Hen Island waiting to be washed into the harbor.

  26. Mr. Tartaglione,

    Thank you for the background on this Ed Volpe character with regard to his personal interest, Hen Island. But his posts speak for themselves. The fact that he used a deceased City employee’s name to defend Doug French and try and slime Joe Sack is incredible. I went to a party with Ed Volpe and Doug French at the Carpet Trends warehouse next to the old RM Staffing office. Ed is the kind of low-life person our Mayor socializes with. He has no moral compass. I feel bad for Ed Volpe and Doug French. I encourage all Rye residents to re-read Ed’s posts now that we have confirmed his identity. You will gain a new perspective on our Mayor’s desperation. It’s sad.

  27. The people of Westchester can’t even trust the Journal News to part of a free an independent press. How is it possible that a paper will spread anyone’s propaganda that’s willing to pay for it???
    How can a democracy work when our press is corrupt???

  28. Old Timer,

    I don’t feel bad for anyone who takes the direction these clowns have taken, especially ED VOLPE!

    He is a disgusting human being with no shame. To mock a beloved mans death such as Vinny, with no respect for his wife or children is beneath all human morals!!!

  29. Rye Voter,
    I didn’t say he made the posts Rye Old-timer did. I just supplied some background on the family that controls Hen Island and Mayor Doug (Madoff moment) French is helping out on Hen Island. If you missed it the first time or if you don’t believe me, here it is again.

    Rye old-timer are you saying that investigate Vinnie’s death is Ed Volpe?
    Now there is a winner. Ed Volpe is Doug French’s family friend and neighbor on Meadow Place. I believe he was somehow affiliated with the perpetrators that vandalized my home on several occasions and urinated in my water tanks. I also remember either he or his brothers or both urinating on tents where grade school girls and their fathers camped out over-night on Hen Island. That was really a father daughter outing to remember! Maybe he was the only one involved; I would have to check the Rye police reports? I wonder if he has been friends with Doug going back that far. I wonder if Doug was ever invited out to the Island for a family sleepover in tents.
    The Volpe’s mother Lorraine was the Hen Island board member that instructed Hen Island residents to burry dead birds as the rest of Westchester County was taking samples to the State Department of Health for testing during the original West Nile Virus epidemic in 1999. That would also be the same board member that led the effort to remove the mosquito control program on Hen Island that had been in place and effective for the previous six years.

    Mrs. Lorraine Volpe is also the sister of the current President of the Board of Directors on Hen Island his name is Ben Minard. That would be the same Ben Minard that has lead to movement among Board members to spend over a half of million dollars on legal fees to avoid compliance on sewage, potable water and mosquito infestation when they could of addressed and cured the problems for much less money. Also the same board President that condoned the building of an 80 foot wall along the Shores of Milton Harbor without permits and when the City told him to take it down what did he do? He sued the City of Rye and lost.
    Even after he sued the City Mr. Minard with the help of Scott Pickup and Mayor Doug French, just this year, have required and allowed 34 home owners to install new composting toilets along the shores of Milton Harbor without one application being submitted to any agency and without any building, electrical or plumbing permits issued by the City of Rye.
    Unfortunately they are still using the same old illegal sewage systems to dispose of liquid household waste such as kitchen and bath water, urine and diarrhea. Some of these unit installations are time bombs waiting to explode and they still pollute the Sound. Below is a five gallon container of urine from one of the composting units left along the shoreline of Hen Island waiting to be washed into the harbor.

  30. From former Mayor John Carey, Rye Sound Shore Review


    The Rye City Council agenda for Feb. 13 includes an item that, if adopted, would have the city, i.e. the taxpayers, pay legal expenses without limit for any city staff member requested to participate in the golf club investigation. No legal authority for such an open-ended commitment is cited.

    Authority for providing legal representation to municipal staff is set forth in Section 18 of the Public Officers Law. Sub-section 3(a) requires defense counsel to be provided by a municipality “for the defense of the employee in any civil action or proceeding, state or federal, arising out of any alleged act or omission which occurred or allegedly occurred while the employee was acting within the scope of his public employment or duties.”

    If no civil action or proceeding is pending against any city employee, there is no basis in the Public Officers Law for the City of Rye to foot the bill for an employee’s legal services. I have urged the council “not to rush ahead with any such action as seems to be contemplated by agenda Item 8. Let us first have a discussion in detail on what is at stake legally.

    “If in the end you are not persuaded that paying legal bills for employees who have not been sued would be improper, let us avoid the expense and delay involved in contentious litigation by using the simplified procedure available under Rule 3031 of the New York Civil Practice Law and Rules.”

    One is bound to wonder who put Item 8 on the council’s Feb. 13 agenda, and for whose benefit. It would be normal procedure for a draft agenda to be voted on as the first order of business, in which case Item 8 could be left off the list.

    Rye Corporation Counsel Kristen Wilson emailed me on Feb. 5 after I had suggested to Councilman Filippi that he apologize to Andrew Dapolite. Wilson informed me that, “If you wish to discuss city business with Mr. Filippi, please feel free. However, if you are in any way suggesting that Mr. Filippi has acted contrary to law and/or are subtly threatening to sue, please address all communications to me.”

    In other words, Wilson was telling me that she represents Filippi as his personal lawyer to defend him against any claim of improper conduct. She could not have been claiming to represent Filippi under her retainer agreement with the city, since it in no way provides for her to represent members of the City Council as individuals. There must be a separate representation agreement between the two of them.

    So I emailed Wilson: “I am curious how an attorney-client relationship has arisen between you and Richard, who was on his own in his speech, not acting for the city.” No response has yet reached me on this issue.

    In Mr. Filippi’s lengthy Phillipic against incivility, delivered at the City Council’s Jan. 23 meeting, the councilman asserted that the lawsuit I brought on Andrew Dapolite’s behalf against the city manager for alleged retaliation “cost the City $30,000.”

    Perhaps the corporation counsel or city manager could tell us taxpayers whether that amount of our money was, in fact, spent on this case, which did not drag on but was quickly settled, and, if so, why. What is known publicly is the following: Read more…

  31. The Gospel according to Saint Raymond of Portchester.

    Yea I say unto you that the board of directors of the Isle of Hen are pollluters and unjust shelfish vermin not fit to enjoy their SUMMER homes in peace.

    It is for Saint Raymond to purge and make pure according to his holy light Otis, French, Fillpi and Devil Pickup the demons conjured up and scorned by St. Ray of Portchester.

    He will say unto you beware of the Health Dept for it is a nest of vipers and Scoripions seeking to spew filth and vile west nile virus.

    Goeth on and on..St Raymond be gone.

  32. The Gospel according to Saint Raymond of Portchester.

    Yea I say unto you that the board of directors of the Isle of Hen are pollluters and unjust shelfish vermin not fit to enjoy their SUMMER homes in peace.

    It is for Saint Raymond to purge and make pure according to his holy light Otis, French, Fillpi and Devil Pickup the demons conjured up and scorned by St. Ray of Portchester.

    He will say unto you beware of the Health Dept for it is a nest of vipers and Scoripions seeking to spew filth and vile west nile virus.

    Goeth on and on..St Raymond be gone.

  33. It’s amazing the response you get when you back a rabid rat into a corner, they get desperate and start making huge mistakes, right Jim Amico??? I’m sure you’ll be hearing from Ed Volpe’s attorney soon. You freakin moron. Keep following Mr. Flotie around like a puppy dog and you’ll find yourself bankrupt.

    It’s amazing how much energy the rabid rat pack over at lostdeos.com is dedicating to trying to find out my identity. They’re scared because I speak the truth just like Mr. Fillippi spoke the truth. They will never find out my identity because I’m not anyone who they know.

    We still haven’t heard whether Mr. Flotie is paying Peon Skull-f**k for his services and whether Mr. Flotie owns lostdeos.com.

    Mr. Flotie, can you tell me what color those propane tanks are that are floating around Milton Harbor since 1992 so I know not to explode the next time I’m out on my boat.

    Mr. Flotie, can you tell me , rounded to the nearest 100, how many Journal News articles/propaganda you paid for in the past 5 years? Can you tell the readers how much money , rounded to the nearest $100,000 you’ve paid the Journal News for you’re propaganda?? Could you tell the readers how much money, rounded to the nearest million , you’ve spent on your agenda?

  34. Next week I’m starting a “Dead Pool” where we can bet on what Rye employee will be the next one to have health problems because of the rabid rat pack over at lostdeos.com.

    Right now , Scott Pickup looks to be the favorite but who knows what the weekend will bring?

  35. Any who thinks what is going on in Rye doesn’t have to do with Hen Island and Mr. Flotie’s agenda I suggest you immediately pull your head out of your ass and smell the Mr. Flotie. I present to you the last few posts from Mr. Flotie and friends as evidence.

  36. IVD,

    You are one demented sick moron.
    Give it up & get a life!

    Funny how you want to show yourself as some kind of sympathetic person with class when all you are doing is proving just the opposite.

    Strange, I see no mention of what some of the Indian Village residents put Vinny thru during H.I. They mobbed him like animals.

    why don’t you write a little piece on that?

    Get real you idiot!

  37. TedC,

    Ted, you’re wrong. It’s all a Ray Tartaglione conspiracy. Judge John Carey is in on it too!

    Sculti, Dapolite, Richard Slack, Joe Sack, The Journal News, The Rye Sound Shore Review, Rye Patch, and now Judge Carey. It’s all one bug elaborate conspiracy!

    Vote French!

  38. Everything bad that happens in this City is Ray Tartaglione’s fault! Scott Pickup not vetting RM staffing and then lying about it on camera is all Ray! Levitsky lying to residents, and abrogating FOIL laws. That’s Ray too! The Mayor cheating on his taxes? That was Ray as well.


    Running for Rye City Council this fall? Cat got your tongue? Or are the party leaders (such as they were) sitting on you, telling you to wait, wait, wait? Why?

    Maybe it’s the Rye Golf Club Investigation. Or the newly revealed Dapolite Tapes. Or this week’s latest potential shocker about Vincent Toomey and The Police Commissioner.

    Whatever it is it has sure caused an uneasy silence at a time when traditional political animal spirits conventionally burst forth unchecked. So I think this silence is messaging the Rye voting public loud and clear.

    Perhaps you don’t actually stand for anything, you’re willing to wait to see which way the cards fall, you’re “sophisticated,” “nuanced,” “pragmatic,” “nobody’s fool,” you’re unprincipled, you’re a coward.

    Perhaps you’re none of these and thus offended at the insinuation. So be it. I’m not a politician. But as a ex-publisher and now hard working part of the local grassroots good governmental reform movement I’ll opine that the honest un-suborned and reform minded among you should give serious consideration to showing up at a city council meeting BEFORE the Golf Investigation winds down and going on the record about the lies, deceit and other nonsense that have plagued our city hall for more than half a decade now. Tell us what you think.

    And if you’re treated disrespectfully – or with contempt – or with that cold silence that tells you what parties you will no longer be welcome at then just reflect – things could be a lot worse. After all you’re still alive and will have taken what voters will soon remember to have been a principled stand while others running for office remained silent. And that will be appreciated.

    I’d say that’s a far cry better than being smeared, ridiculed and untimely deceased. And THEN being found completely right.

    “November 2008 – The Rye Record –Silence of the Shams.”

    “When local environmentalist Bob Schubert returned to the City Hall podium Nov. 7 for his latest public ‘beat down’, the boys on the dais made sure that viewers wouldn’t leave disappointed. Bob again laid out a short, straightforward synopsis as to why he needs government help in restoring the “Forest Avenue Swamp” and what specific local code sections control the situation. Bob pointedly reminded the Council members that some of them (specifically the Mayor) had had a personal hand in drafting these same regulations. Then the brickbats flew.

    In a scene directly out of the 1950’s McCarthy Hearings, petitioner Schubert was scolded, taunted and dismissed with the kind of oozing contempt only a certain kind of petty bureaucrat run-amuck can deliver. This treatment of Schubert was, in a word, despicable.

    Lurking behind the dramatics here, however, remains a big unanswered question — and one that seemingly defies logic given the watercolor green stripes displayed by almost every candidate for those select dais chairs during electioneering. Why the silent hesitation by these elected officials to question private interests (a homeowner or two in this case) when so much is at stake?

    It’s that silence here that feels so disconcerting — much more than the fireworks touched off to date.”

    Ted Carroll


    First, let’s set the proper vacation week mood…

    “Then close your eyes – and tap your heals together three times –and think to yourself;
    I’m putting the city’s interests first, I’m putting the city’s interests first, I’m putting the city’s interests first, I’m putting the city’s interests first, I’m putting the city’s interests first, I’m putting the city’s interests first…..

    “NYS Freedom of Info Experts Side with Laus Deo – City Still Refuses to Release RGC Catering Docs”


    “Recordings Reveal Deeper Rye TV Controversy”


    Discouraged? Don’t be.


  41. From Pickup in RSSR:

    “I have found that challenging these revisions only continues the cycle of negativity and conflict,” said the city manager. “It is always disappointing to me that we could not find a more productive outlet for their talents while they were still employed.”

    When has Pickup ever challenged the serious breach of public trust allegations that were made against him?

    Pickup ran away from the Board of Ethics without providing any denials.

    Pickup has refused to deny the allegations in writing under penalty of perjury.

    If what has been published already with regard to Levisky’s tape recorded implications of Pickup’s misconduct is not true, why hasn’t Levitsky been removed for lying about what Pickup said and did?

    How long will Sack, Parker, Brett and Killian allow French, Jovanovich and Filippi to continue this coverup by not investigating these serious allegations of a breach of public trust by Pickup?

    How long will Sack, Parker, Brett and Killian allow our severely damaged goods City Manager to stay in his position?


    Hope you’re well rested and fit. It hasn’t been overly quiet here. In fact we may be getting down to “it” at long long last. But don’t count Rye’s embarrassingly self-entitled political class out. Not by a long shot. “Public service” in today’s Rye does have its privileges. And some who serve have regularly taken full advantage. Its interesting watching what happens when someone finally publicly says what is only for the ears of a select few – and then the lights finally get very bright. It brings to mind what I was told privately by a sitting elected official before a council meeting just a few years ago – “It’s too bad when sometimes good people have to get hurt.”

    “The Rye Community has a right to know the truth, whatever it is and wherever it leads.”


    “Poll: Should the Rye City Council Investigate Dapolite Allegations?”

    “Recordings Reveal Deeper Rye TV Controversy”

    “Sap’s Arisin’, E’en City Hall”


    “NYS Freedom of Info Experts Side with Laus Deo – City Still Refuses to Release RGC Catering Docs”



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