POLICE: Crooked Tooth Perv Driving Around Rye

This warning was issued b y Rye PD Wednesday afternoon:


Shortly after 4:00 PM on Tuesday, March 5, a suspicious incident occurred involving a twelve year old female in the Greenhaven area.

The girl was walking home in the vicinity of Brevoort Lane and Greenhaven Road when she was approached by a vehicle described as a bright blue compact car with a black and white "TAXI" sticker on the door and a yellow license plate. The driver was described as an older white male, balding with white hair, with a crooked tooth. He spoke with a heavy accent. The male stopped the vehicle twice and asked the girl if she needed a ride. The girl fled toward her home and the vehicle left the scene. There was no overt attempt to approach the girl other than asking her if she needed a ride.

Anyone with information about this incident should call the City of Rye Police Department at (914) 967-1234.


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