Hoping Second Time is a Charm, Mehler Guns for City Council

Jason Mehler chased after Suzanna Keith's vacated seat in 2012 before Rye Mayor Doug French gave it to Julie Killian (he got at least one vote in the subsequent general election).

Mehler is hoping the second time is a charm and has announced he will run for one of the four seat available at Rye City Council this fall. Who else is in the game? Let us know.

Here is Mehler's announcement:

I am confirming my interest in running for Rye City Council in November.

I want to be part of the process to “Make Rye Better”.  My extensive financial background and understanding of budgeting, employment issues, financial statement and cash flow analysis will be a great addition in helping the council with its essential task of fiscal accountability. I believe that my experience, coupled with my passion to keep Rye’s local government strong, will help me bring new ideas and new solutions to the Rye City Council.

I am fully committed to serving all of the people of Rye.

As a parent, homeowner, resident and someone who works in this great city, I want to assist in the process to make Rye the best place to live, visit, work and raise a family.

I would consider it a privilege and honor to serve on the Rye City Council.
Being on the Rye City Council will be my number one priority. I will make sure that I am well informed on all issues facing Rye, will pay attention to details and will participate in discussions and express my opinions when voting.

On a personal note – My wife, Carin works locally as a school teacher in Rye (fourth grade, Osborn School). As the parents of two young children that both currently attend Rye City Schools (Emily 10 – Milton School & Rachel 8 – Osborn School), a few of the primary reasons we were attracted to the City of Rye were the school system, community and proximity to the park and Long Island Sound. I am in the park every morning and early evening walking my dog, Ben (2 year old pekapoo).

– Rye City resident since 2000
– Fulltime Realtor, Better Homes and Gardens Rand Realty, Rye, NY (9 years) – Licensed Associate Broker
– Married to Carin L. Mehler (4th grade teacher at Osborn School in Rye, NY – Rye City School District – since 1998)
– 2 Daughters (Emily 10 & Rachel 8) – both currently attend Rye City Schools (Milton – 5th grade & Osborn – 3rd grade)

– Rye Town Park Advisory Committee – reappointed to a three year term (expires 1/1/2016)
– Rye Recreation Commission – appointed to a three year term (expires 1/1/2016)

Jason L. Mehler
Walker Avenue



  1. Jason:

    You want to keep Rye’s local government strong?

    Are you piped?

    Have you not noticed Rye government is crumbling from lies, deceit, coverups, malfeasance and misfeasance from the top of our government?

    If you haven’t noticed or have chosen to ignore all of this you are unqualified for me to vote for you.

  2. @ Jay Sears with no disrespect meant to Jayson,

    I’m throwing my hat in the ring! I do not intend to turn this into a smear campaign. I am going to run on a platform of investigating Scott Pickup! Great behinds stink alike. We need to flush out the issue so everyone knows. We need moral fibre and commitment from our politicians. We need to push together to get some movement on this issue. Mr. Floatie cares deeply for the people of Rye. After all, he is from everyone in Rye, so if people get grumpy, he gets all lumpy, and that’s not fun for anyone. It’s a crappy job, but someone has to do it. I’d be happy if I came in number two, but turd place would be a bummer. I’m a single issue, single tissue kind of turd. I am tired of working behind the scenes. I want to become more of a mover and a shaker in this city and I intend to push really hard. I may be the underlog in this race, but I think I can come from behind to win! There’s a methane to my madness!

    If you want things to really happen, vote for someone who has his crap together, vote for Mr. Floatie!

  3. Perhaps it’s because Mr. Mehler had such a strong voter turnout last time around –


    is why he naturally considered a simple prewritten announcement dumped on the local press would be sufficient to return his numerous supporters to his cause.

    Or perhaps his noted MIA in public debate over the past year is because he’s shy and/or just likes to think of himself as he apparently appeared at his high school prom –


    (To which, let me add, so do most of us after a certain age.)

    In any case, let the voters decide as there will be plenty of time for Mr. Mehler to bring forth his own case for reform – which he naturally will do once he discovers all the bad stuff he’s apparently been oblivious to, and wisely avoided commenting on thus far, when he steps up to discuss his views candidly in the bright TV lights at city hall.

    Until then please consider this critical changing of the guard on the Rye council bench to be wide open and plenty of support will be on hand for real reformers.


  4. Mr. Mehler,
    do you walk your dog on or off his leash?
    Already I dont like this guy based on his press release. If he thinks Rye govt. is strong he already lost.

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