Rye High School Ranked #1 Public High School in NYS, #61 in U.S.

Up from # 72 last year but down from # 52 in 2007, Rye High has place #61 in the US News ranking. It has also earned a first place ranking for New York State public high schools, not including charter and magnet schools, on US News & World Report’s list of the Best High Schools across the nation. Out of over 21,000 public high schools in 49 states that were analyzed, Rye High School ranked 61st in the country. On the list of New York State high schools including charter and magnet schools, Rye High School ranked 9th.

US News & World Report used a ranking system that was based on how well high schools prepare students for college, student test scores, and other factors. Schools were distinguished with Gold, Silver, or Bronze medals – RHS earned a Gold, the highest honor. 

“We are proud of this recognition," Superintendent of Schools Dr. Frank Alvarez stated. "It acknowledges our hard-working students and dedicated faculty and staff."



  1. Of course, you could say that the price of Rye real estate is as “exclusive” as any NYC magnet or charter school.
    We, as a public school, have to educate all students, but that is all students…who can afford to live in Rye. I’d say people who are willing to pay the premium on homes here are fairly motivated parents.
    I’m optimistic that the new superintendent, Dr. Frank Alvarez, will encourage our schools to foster an atmosphere of empathy, as bullying and, more important, shunning, remain a problem. In addition I’d like to see a broader definition of what makes a successful adult. The secret to a meaningful life can’t be learned in an AP class.
    None the less, I want to congratulate my friends Laura Slack, board president, Katy Keohane, vice president and Ed Fox – ranking brilliant and difficult attorney – for the thousands of hours of unpaid time they’ve devoted to really learning what makes a school system work, and doing their best to get us there, consistently.
    Many of us can be brilliant at the lectern at a board meeting, but it is the binders full of data, and mind numbing financials, and blue prints and budgets, and all day work shops, all of which they routinely endure, which got us to this point.
    Finally to the good parents of Rye, who set an example for their children by their own every day efforts and good habits—give yourselves some well-earned credit. After a decade in this city, I still don’t know how you do it.

  2. I’m going to second Charmian’s optimism about Dr. Alvarez’s taking the reigns. I hope traditional discipline and persecution intervention are reemphasized along with academics. There was no excuse for the abductions and beatings of lower class-men in last year’s annual “incident.” We were hardly angels in my years at RHS but no one should fear a kidnapping when sitting on the village green or anywhere else in public in Rye. I’m glad we have a BOE that cares and responds. Bob Zahms reelection to it will make it stronger and smarter.

    I hope that real attention can next focus on the corruption enablers who claim they don’t condone lying on the city council bench. We need everyone’s help because the crooks intend to hang on and protect their cronies who waste and steal our tax dollars until the very end. Help us make that end come soon. Very soon.

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