Rye PD Bumps Anfuso to Sergeant

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City of Rye Police Commissioner William R. Connors has announced the promotion of Police Officer Michael Anfuso to the rank of Sergeant, effective April 22, 2013. A promotion ceremony was held at City Hall on Friday, April 19, 2013.

Sergeant Anfuso was appointed to the rank of Police Officer on January 14, 1999. In addition to patrol duty, he has been assigned as the downtown bicycle officer and as a Field Training Officer. Sergeant Anfuso is a New York State Certified General Topics Instructor, an FBI certified Defensive Tactics Instructor, a Taser Instructor, an Aerosol Restraint Instructor, and a Pepperball Gun Instructor. He was involved in the development of the Department’s current Field Training and Defensive Tactics Training programs.

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Sergeant Anfuso was born and raised in Rye. He is a graduate of the Rye City Schools and holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Marymount University in Arlington, Virginia. He lives in Brewster with his wife, Elisa, and their three children. Sergeant Anfuso served as the Head Coach of the Rye High School varsity lacrosse team for three years, and worked for the Department of Public Works from 1995 until his appointment as a police officer. He continues a long family history of service to the City of Rye; his father, Peter Anfuso, retired as General Foreman of the Department of Public Works after more than forty years of service, and his aunt, Gail Klepps, retired from the Police Department as a Senior Office Assistant after thirty-five years. His brother, Peter, is currently employed by the Department of Public Works.

During his career, Sergeant Anfuso has made more than six hundred arrests, including four gun arrests.

In announcing the promotion, Commissioner Connors said, “Throughout his career, Mike Anfuso has stood out for his consistent drive and dedication. He has been an outstanding police officer who truly loves his job and the community he serves. I am confident that he will bring the same level of talent and energy to the rank of sergeant, and I congratulate him as he assumes a critical supervisory role in the Department.”




    Congratulations Mike, well earned, well deserved!

    Nice to see one of our own honored for what he/she contributes to the job & to the community!

  2. Great guy, great cop! Congrats. Just a question for the readers here…is anyone aware here that the Commissioner will not hire anyone who has lived or has lived in Rye? Council aware of this? This has pros as cons. I believe the force should be made up of a balance of both residents and non residents. You want people who know the town and will take that extra pride. Conners hired a total of 2 Rye residents in past 12 years. All others no ties to Rye. In addition past few hires might be “favors” all have connections to high ranking family members on job

  3. Need Change,

    Is this the RPD official policy or just the way it has shaken out? Connors might have brought the NYPD policy over that forbids officers from working in the precinct in which they reside. You are correct — this has good/bad points. In the end, as long as the officers are qualified and take pride in what they do, it isn’t the worst thing that has happened in Rye.

  4. I don’t think it is written policy. Just whatever the commissioner decides to do each time. I think it hurts the small population of blue collar men and women in Rye who may want to serve their community as a cop. Many other towns hire their own residents.

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