City Council Candidate Lamont Initiates “Bench” Meetings
P. Stephen Lamont, a resident who has announced his intention to run for Rye city council, is initiating a series of "bench meetings" with citizens on the Village Green, starting this Thursday.
Lamont has promised he'll submit reports on his bench meetings, similar to the "Cup of Joe" reports filed by State Senator George Latimer. "Yes, [I'll file] a short, sweet one. I think it is a good idea to respect residents (no names mentioned) privacy when requested," Lamont told
Details on reserving "Bench" time from Lamont: "Running for City Council this November, this Thursday, I am beginning a series of "park bench meetings" (one on one or in groups) to discuss and collect residents concerns. Time is between 11:00 AM and 2:30 PM; venue is the Village Green (what a fitting place). To book your time slot, email at and I will confirm. This Thursday, May 2 is fully booked." Bench time is every Thursday weather permitting.
Here is the statement Lamont released on his run:
"The time has come to put to rest this pattern of frauds, deceits, and misrepresentations that run so wide and so deep that it tears at the very fabric of what we call our hometown, Rye, NY, and in the fact that it pertains, in part, to civil rights tears at the very fabric of the U.S. Code and Constitution of the United States. I cannot be “bought” by special interest groups, have NO personal political agenda of my own but to right the many wrongs I have recently witnessed, am as open and transparent as they come, and bow to no "God" but my own. If nominated by the Democratic party and garner the requisite number of signatures to have my name placed on the ballot, I plan on constructing a website and drafting specific position papers, without waiver through the November election and any 4-year term of a Councilperson, to address: School safety; Alcohol and drugs among teens; City government corruption; Flooding/ Infrastructure; Property rights of owners; What should Rye Golf Club be; and shortage and condition of playing fields."
P. Stephen Lamont is Chief Executive Officer of Iviewit Holdings, Inc. He is on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.