City of Rye’s Memorial Day Observance – Monday 10am

The City of Rye's Memorial Day observance, sponsored by Rye Post #128 of the American Legion, will be held on Monday May 27 at 10:00am on the Village Green.  The keynote speaker will be Suzanne Clary, President of the Jay Heritage Center.  All are invited to participate.

For more information, contact Dan Somma, Adjutant at



  1. Happy Memorial Day in Heaven 2013!

    Memorial Day is a day of remembering the men and women who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces.

    With that in mind, let us not forget the way in which Robert W. Schubert was treated in the last years of his life by the past two Rye city administrations. Let us not forget the actions of Rye City Manager O. Paul Shew who attempted to have Bob committed to the Psychiatric unit of the Westchester County Medical Center in an effort to silence him. It is hard to conceive that Shew acted alone.

    And later after Shew was terminated and the arrival of Scott Pickup as Rye’s new City Manager, Robert W. Schubert was arrested in another effort to silence him at the City council meetings. It is hard to believe that Scott Pickup also acted alone in his efforts to quite Bob.

    And let us not forget the outcome of Court ordered depositions that revealed that Helen and Bill Gates undertook the installation of water retention tanks without the appropriate permits which was Bob’s contention all along.

    And lastly let us not forget that even as Bob lay on his death bed, City Manager Pickup refused to return calls to Mrs. Schubert as she attempted to have Pickup remove charges so Bob could die without the accusations of a criminal that were charged by Pickup.

    I hope that all involved in the Schubert cover-up enjoy their holiday and remember the way in which they treated Robert W. Schubert as we remember Bob and the rest of our soldiers who serve today and served our Country yesterday, so we may enjoy the freedoms we have today.

    Happy Memorial Day in Heaven, Bob!

    Please keep the above in mind as you share your City of Rye’s Memorial Day Observance with Mayor French and City Manager Pickup Monday morning @ 10am

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