Rye City School Budget Facts

Mark your calendar… The school budget vote is Tuesday, May 21. Polls open 7am-9pm @ Rye Middle School Gym at 3 Parsons Street.

From the Friends of Rye City School District:

$76,758M budget maintains program at all schools & covers debt service for the new science addition:       

  • Elementary Schools: offers new K-5 science program & preserves class sizes
  • Middle School:maintains team approach & preserves successful academic programs
  • High School:preserves successful academic programs & course selection

Tax cap compliant budget: (estimated tax rate increase is 4.59%) requires a majority (50% +1 of voters) to pass.

Estimated cost is $650.97/year for the average Rye homeowner (assessed home value of $26,800; or about $1.2M)

2.3M cuts spread among the 5 schools & administration with minimized impact on programming

2.3M projected draw from reserves to lessen tax impact

Contingency budget is 0% if budget fails to pass twice! 

Know the facts about poor voter turnout…

Rye has over 10,000 registered voters:

  •             over 70% did not vote at all in March 2012
  •             over 80% did not vote at all in May 2012

    33% of Rye's registered voters have children in the public schools:

  •         nearly 40% of our parents did not vote at all in March 2012
  •         over 50% of our parents did not vote in May 2012

Nearly 75% of voters age 30-39 (likely preschool parents) did not vote at all in March 2012
Almost 800 votes is the average "NO" vote turnout from 22 votes taken 1997-2012!

Voting is quick & easy…

Voting in person will continue to be more efficient: more parking, space, machines, workers, etc.
Voting by absentee ballot is easy:

1) print & complete the absentee ballot application by clicking here;

2) deliver application by 5/14/13 to receive ballot by mail or 5/20/13 if picking up ballot up in person; &

3) submit the ballot by 5pm on 5/21/13


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