At Osborn, A Mosaic


The Osborn PTO unveiled new hand painted ceramic tiles that were created last fall to benefit the new Osborn playground. The tiles are now permanently installed in two mosaics on the brick wall by the new playground in the back of the school. 

Like the mosaic in front of the school, these compositions are also inspired by nature – each tile is unique and represents a color of the Long Island Sound scenery.  Every tile is special in its own way, marking a memory of the student/alumni's time at Osborn. The oldest alum on a tile graduated Osborn in 1969; the youngest, a newborn baby, will graduate in 2024.

Osborn mom, Priya Tambe, created the tiles and mosaic with the help of a team of parent artists.  And our own Rico Camacho helped with the final installation.


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