FOIL’ed?. Oh Carolina, Shi**y Vote, Skell Bus: Items on the Rye City Council Agenda for August 5, 2013
(PICTURE: Rye City Hall by local artist Heather Patterson)
[ error: the meeting was Monday, not this Wednesday.]
The city council's agenda for its meeting on Monday, August 5, 2013 is out.
There will be a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of
Rye on Monday, August 5, 2013 at 8:00pm in the Council Room of
City Hall. The meeting will be preceded by the Presentation of the 2014-2018 Capital Improvement Plan beginning at 7:00pm.
Office Hours of the Mayor by appointment by emailing
Meetings are also aired on Cablevision Channel 75 and Verizon Channel 39. We'll also see you on the Internet (live and archive).
Let's check the batting order and highlights from the 26 agenda items.
- Doug's Details. Update on the City of Rye Mile Markers; Sustainability Committee Presentation on The Sustainability Plan; Capital Projects Update: Central Avenue Bridge, Road Repairs and Bond Projects; Legal Update – Capital Projects Update and Legal Update.
- More Enterprising? Consideration of amending the governing procedures of City Enterprise Funds.
- Succession Plans? Discussion on amending the City’s management employment agreements.
- FOIL'ed? Resolution to amend the City of Rye’s FOIL procedures regarding the FOIL Appellate body.
- CIF. Resolution to amend local law Chapter 15, “Code of Ethics”, to reflect the addition of the
Conflict of Interest form (CIF!), and Consideration to adopt a Conflict of Interest form. - Oh Carolina! Discussion of the Sluice Gate legislation: “Development and Planning Standards”
Intermunicipal Agreement Compliance with City of Rye Boards and Committees. - Open Mic. A Crowd Favorite. Residents may be heard on matters for Council consideration that do not appear on the agenda.
- Shi**y Vote. Bid Award for the Cedar Place Sanitary Sewer contract (Contract # 2013-03).
Roll Call. - Skell Bus. Authorization for City Manager to enter into an Agreement with the County of Westchester for 2013-2014 Prisoner Transportation Services.
- Chittenden and Sculti FOIL'ed Again. Appeal of denial of FOIL requests by Timothy Chittenden; Appeal of denial of FOIL request by Leon Sculti.
- Boo! Consideration of request for permission to close a section of Purchase Street for the 61st annual celebration of the Halloween Window Painting Contest.
- Get Creative. Old Business: Council feedback on the Rye Arts Center lease
The next regular meeting of the City Council will be held on Wednesday, September 11, 2013 at 8:00pm.
You missed one itty bitty slight detail about the agenda you posted today for Wednesday’s meeting… the meeting was held last night.
The dead giveaway that the meeting already happened could be found in the first sentence of the agenda’s notice, “There will be a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rye on Monday, August 5, 2012.”
Since you have no clue you missed the entire meeting, let me point out that an interesting thing happened in that the audio cut out for 10-15 during a discussion about the pool operations at RGC… which have been a disaster and resulted in cops being called to the club yesterday morning at 6:00am to settle a turf war between two pool companies that Scott Pickup hired simultaneously to do the same job at RGC.
Pickup hired a second company to run the pool for the last five weeks of the season for $80,000. The only problem? He never got out of the first contract he signed with the original pool company for $160,000 to run the pool all summer.
So now litigation is in the air, and RGC members have the pleasure of paying two companies to do the job of one.
These two pool contracts costs RGC members $240,000 this year. Yandrasevich ran the pool last year for $193,000–and had more guards on premises.
Lastly, the appeal of my FOIL request never happened last night because the city had no right to deny it in the first place. So instead Kristen Wilson, the Ying to Pickup’s tiny Yang, simply told her bosses on the council the request was actually being fulfilled.
Way to be on top of things.,,
This just keeps getting better and better. Yet Jovanajoke thinks he is the best for the job of Mayor and Pickup should be city manager? Wake up people. I don’t care if you are democrat, Rep, Ind. on local level just get people in to fix this.
Here we go (but I hope not) again. Last night, after French favorites Christian Miller and Sara Goddard got their reliably long golden time segments at the city hall podium, the TV audio for live viewers at home throughout the city became – how to put it – “unreliable?” Repeated calls from multiple households to Rye TV coordinator Nicole Levitsky received the same verbal assurance – it was apparently a Cablevision system issue but not to worry, the master recording would have great audio for later playback.
For those not contemplating the A-Rod Return’s soap opera on the YES Network the prospect of watching soundless live Rye community TV was not attractive. And for many concrete reasons it was suspicious. So I called a certain senior citizen well known to Rye City Hall and many in Rye. She switched from the Yankees to Rye TV and she confirmed to me there was no sound. She then placed a direct call to Ms. Levitsky. And somehow immediately the live “Cablevision audio” was restored – restored in the middle of an occasionally warm council discussion of the Rye Golf Pool contract rupture which involved the Rye Police being called to the pool to separate opposing pool contractors that very morning.
The audio continued uninterrupted until a later agenda item, also featuring a warm council discussion segment, whereupon I personally called Ms. Levitsky and the “Cablevision audio” feed was immediately restored.
This morning (Tuesday August 6) the video recording of entire meeting came up on the Rye City website. In Items 5 (Part 2 of 3), Item 24, & Item 8 beginning at about time code 33:00 Councilman Sack asks Mr. Pickup to update the council and public about the events that took place between the opposing contractors at the pool that morning. At this point (33:18) the audio levels change distinctly and the internet video sound levels elevate. This appears to be at about the same point when live home viewers lost their audio signals. How Cablevision (a content distributor not originator) had anything to do with this apparent audio “plug pull” is a question that I think needs further examination.
Here’s the link to the segment mentioned above: