School Construction: On Schedule and Under Budget

Update on the construction of the new science wing of Rye Middle/High School:

Science wing construction

(PHOTO: Prep for the new science wing.)

"The Rye City School District's Middle School/High School construction project is well underway! The District celebrated the groundbreaking for its new High School science wing in early June, and a great deal of progress has been made since then. The timeline is moving according to schedule and under budget thanks to the collaboration, dedication, and expertise of the professionals involved. The District will be reporting progress on a regular basis and is pleased to provide its first update:

  • Temporary faculty parking along Boston Post Road has been completed. This week, striping and signage are being added to ease navigation. Additional staff will be on-site in the parking areas during the first two weeks of school to direct and manage the traffic flow.
  •  The interior classrooms are under reconstruction and will be completed in time for the start of school.
  • Locker rooms are also under reconstruction and the finished products will be ready by the end of September as scheduled. The wrestling room and storage room near the gym will be used as changing rooms during the completion of this area.
  • Many steps have been taken with regard to the new science wing construction site as well. Earlier this summer, portables were removed and fencing was assembled. The site exterior preparation is complete and the actual construction of the new science wing will begin soon. This is the most extensive part of the project, and returning students and staff in September of 2014 will be the first to experience the new wing."


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