Veronica For Mayor: Archie Comics Co-CEO Runs for Rye Mayor

Well, this should be interesting.

Veronica - archie

As of a few weeks ago, it was City Councilman Joe Sack running uncontested for Rye Mayor this fall.

Then City Councilman Peter Jovanovich, husband of Rye Record publisher Robin, jumped into the fray.

Now we have a comic book character, kinda.

Nancy Silberkleit, a resident of Greenhaven Road and the Co-CEO of Archie Comics, has entered the race. A political novice, Silberkleit filed signatures to run as an independent.

Silberkleit is something of a business noice as well, having interhited the reins of the Archie Comic business from her late husband Michael Silberkleit after his death in 2008. Michael's father Louis Silberkleit founded Archie Comics in 1942 with a partner.

Nancy Silberkleit

Silberkleit has been embroiled in various fights and lawsuits with business partners since taking over the reigns at the comic company.

Just last week, she accused a long time business partner of sexual harassment. Silberkleitherself has been charged with harassment and bullying behavior since taking over the company.

The Daily News reported:

"(She) now claims she “has been and continues to be the subject of unwelcomed sexual harassment” at Archie’s offices in Mamaroneck, Westchester County.

The worst offender, Silberkleit charges, is businessman and one-time friend Sam Levitin, who was supposed to be her eyes, ears and mouth within the company.

Levitin says Silberkleit is “unstable” — and once plotted to tart up Archie Andrews’ longtime love interests, Betty and Veronica…

“This is not Penthouse or Playboy,” he warned her, according to court papers.

Levitin, 73, cautioned that if Silberkleit, 59, remains in a position of power, “she will greatly damage the business.”…

Papers filed in Westchester Surrogate’s Court show that her relationship with Levitin — her friend of 40 years — soured late last year.

That’s when she says he turned against her for rejecting his “unwanted and improper sexual advances.”..

In an affidavit, he denied hitting on her, and said the real reason their relationship soured is because she treated him — and everyone else at Archie — like they were real Jugheads.

“Nancy is incapable of working with anyone,” he said."

Back in 2011, Archie Comics Publications sued Silberkleit attempting to bar her from the company's headquarters:

"A private investigation company's report attached to the suit, which was filed in Manhattan Supreme Court on Thursday, portrays Silberkleit as a loose cannon who terrifies employees and yells "Penis! Penis! Penis! Penis!" in the office.

The report says several employees complained about Silberkleit's vile antics, which include asking if sex toys were stored in an office safe and saying, "I need to adjust my balls."

She has also burst into meetings to rant about male private parts, according to a letter sent to her co-CEO Jon Goldwater.

"On April 20, 2011, [Silberkleit] walked into your office again and referring to a book yelled out 'PENIS, PENIS, PENIS, PENIS' and then said, "My balls hurt.""

Read the full story at the Daily News.



  1. Mrs. Silberkleit,
    Can you please tell us what your position is regarding Mr. Jovanovich’s past involvement in his sexual harassment case and if you believe it will impact his position as Mayor in Rye should he win?

  2. (FO, the word is “affect”, not “impact”. Impact is a noun, unless you’re talking about a wisdom tooth.)
    But as much as it pains me to agree with Ms. Hill, her question doesn’t seem all that ridiculous…

  3. Interesting…perhaps with Nancy Silberkleit as Mayor, the Rye City Council will finally get some BALLS to go along with Nancy’s infatuation with penis’s. No offense, Nancy, I think your candidacy is interesting, and something different than the typical “see know evil, hear no evil, speak no evil” of the current crowd.


    (With apologies to Mrs. Silberkleit, and lovers of Archie Comics, I’m interrupting this string to bring readers some new information just in about the multi-million dollar Rye Golf Swindle.)

    It’s long been rumored that politicos and their political class enablers had been undercharged and/or afforded special treatment at Rye Golf Club in lieu of “services” (and conventional municipal oversight of operations) under Mr. Yandrasevich. New information has surfaced today to put the lie to those who falsely claimed no such malfeasance.

    The Queen’s Cocktail Event –

  5. Piggybacking on Tedc’s aside, I know of at least one Rye family who will NEVER reactivate their membership until these corrupt City employees stop using RGC as a SLUSH FUND for the Republican Party. Count ’em: Runco, Nodarse, Pickup, all the way up to French, I am positive of it; not running for a 2nd term because of professional responsibilities, what a bunch of transparent bullshit…;)… and I am sure Ms. Silberkleit would agree. Maybe the outgoing Rod Brown of the Rye Democrats (and their Demi God STEVE OTIS’s) “even keeled” candidates do something other than getting their lunch eaten on the Wednesday of every month. Bring on Kemper Sports or Troon Golf…Leon?

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