Rye School Directory? There’s An App For That…

Death of the printed school directory is coming…

This from the Osborn Elementary School, very progressive:

"In the next few days, you will receive an email from SchoolBee.  Don't delete it!  It isn't spam; it is the link to your online directory.

Rye PTOs Introduce SchoolBee Mobile Directory: This year the PTO/POs of RHS, RMS, Midland, Milton and Osborn are joining thousands of PTOs across the country by going mobile!  We are proud to introduce the launch of Rye Mobile Parent Directory by SchoolBee for the 2013-2014 school year. Thanks to Milton dad, Jeff Lewis, who spearheaded the project.

Right now, you will be able to look up emails, addresses and phone numbers by searching for either a parent or a child.  Eventually, there will be much more included such as class lists and the ability to use GPS driving directions to your next playdate pickup.

SchoolBee will allow you to manage your own data, updating your information in real time.  Everyone can log on to update their own information, but if you would like to access the online directory you will need to pay your Osborn PTO dues of $25.  One printed directory, which should be available in late September/early October, is also still included in your PTO dues.  Additionally, there will also be a mobile app available for both Apple and Android devices.

This is a very new thing for our school, and it will slowly build to include more and more.  We are excited to be able to offer an online/mobile directory so that when you are stuck in traffic or an appointment runs late and you are unable to make dismissal on time, it will be easier to reach someone to help.

Many of you have children at multiple schools.  Your account will be set up so that you can see each school in which you have children and have paid your PTO dues.  If you only have children at Osborn, you will only have access to the Osborn directory."


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