Rye City School Student Count Breaks 3,300 – Setting Record

Rye schools projected v actual enrollment

According to the last Rye City Board of Education meeting, the current enrollment of 3,303 students for  the Rye City Schools exceeds the projected number by 93 students, or 2.9%.

In just ten years, enrollment for Rye schools has gone from under 2,800 students to over 3,300, an increase of over 500 students. Strangely, the projected number for this school year was the first projection in ten years that was drastically lower – all past years were projected up or essentially flat (see chart above).

The impacts of this unexpectedly high number, according to a presentation made by Superintendent Frank Alvarez, include:

  • Increase in student enrollment at elementary and high school levels
  • Planned reductions of class sections based on projections were not possible due to actual enrollments
  • Increase of classroom teachers (4)
  • Increase in related‐arts time (i.e., art, music, physical education)
  • Increase of instructional expenses (i.e., supplies and materials)

Read the entire presentation.



  1. I am just wondering because RCSD is desirable are there illegal students in the district? I mean maybe some are using an address of a friend. I say this because I read a few months ago Greenwich was sending out investigators to ALL homes when they started seeing NY plates pulling up to schools. Not saying it’s going on but Rye hasn’t expanded much in 10 years and can’t. There is no more open land which is a shame. No need to rip down every piece of forest land but subdivisions I guess are up. But still that growth is huge. I guess just a lot of large families.

  2. ” but Rye hasn’t expanded much in 10 years ” <<<--- where in heck do you live to say this ? Take a drive along Midland or Wappanoca or Cottage Street and look at dozens of new multi-family homes thrown up in last 5yrs after McMansion boom came to a halt . Keep in mind Jovanovich wanted to turn Lesters into a 5 story apartment building complete with even more low-income housing to bookend the Cottage Street apartments . There are plans underway for many more multifamily units in Rye to include a huge one near Rye Country Day and rumors of a monster one on Cedar Street . Same builder has put up most of these multi-family units . He's smart , he rents these places at top dollar telling families its their ticket to Rye schools without paying the obscene taxes the dopey homeowners don't seem to mind paying . Since these cheaply built multi-families barely pay much in way of taxes , homeowners in Rye are virtually guaranteed a MONSTER tax hike from the school system who will claim the jump in students leaves them no choice . Meanwhile the overtaxed community can no longer handle the new crowds . Rye Youth Lacrosse can no longer offer a slot to each kid in town as had always been case in past . The Middle School is slicing back on sports teams to REDUCE team sports even as school populations hit new records . The roads around the schools in the morning and afternoon around dropoff/pickup time have become a nightmarish joke . And your already HIGHEST IN THE UNITED STATES LOCAL TAXES will explode next year even as you get less services from the schools / communities for your record high taxes . Thank you Doug French and Peter Jovanovich for your masterful job of jamming another 100+ families into new rental units to further clog Rye's 3rd world roads with another 100-200 big SUV's lumbering around . But I really don't feel sorry much for Rye residents . You all scurry about in your type-A hurry completely ignoring what the braindead leaders in town are doing and then express shock & horror when your tax bills soar as you get even worse service / crappier schools for your kids . Rye is doing its best to become like the south shore of Long Island . Formerly beautiful towns destroyed as they jammed more and more houses and apartment buildings into small borders requiring massive tax hikes to pay unionized town workers and teachers eventually chasing away the high earners as they realize the towns have been destroyed . Yes Rye , you are in a hurry to become the next Hempstead LI , the next New Rochelle , etc . The capper is that Jovanovich wants to become mayor so he can complete his vision for Rye . To jam many more apartment buildings into Rye to bring in more and more families looking for cheap ways to get their kids into the great Rye school system . He will tell you his vision will create a town where people won't use cars and will walk to town and train stations . Reality is you see a pair of SUV's parked in front of each multi-family apartment thus where a small 3BR cottage once stood with 2 cars now has a 3 unit multi-family with 6 SUV parked around it . Mission Accomplished

  3. RYE CITY COUNCIL – AGENDA ITEM # 9 – August 5, 2011


    “Public Hearing regarding a change to the zoning district designation of the 1051, 1037, and 1031 Boston Post Road properties from the B-1 Neighborhood Business District to the B-2 Central Business District and Change the parking district designation of 1031 Boston Post Road from the “C” to the “A” Parking District.”


    “The proposed local law would allow for multi-family development on all floors. It is estimated that 72,000 square feet in a three-story building could yield APPROXIMATELY 60 UNITS (i.e. 24,000 square feet and 20 units per floor), though the number of units could vary depending on unit size. Under the requirements of the “A” Parking District 68 parking spaces would be required. Parking would be provided on the lowest level, which would be located under the building but at the same level of the existing grade at the rear of the building. It is estimated that the maximum number of parking spaces that could be constructed on the site with a building located above is between 65 and 75 spaces.”


    “The Planning Commission SUPPORTS the proposed local law, but would be more supportive of future development that would include a GREATER RESIDENTIAL rather than office USE. Parking and traffic demands for office use can be high, which may be problematic at this site. In-town housing is desired from a planning perspective since it would support CBD businesses. The proximity of these units to the Rye Train Station and the parking characteristics of multi-family housing typically result in lower day-time parking demands. This creates day-time shared parking opportunities for City Hall and Rye Free Reading Room users or first floor retail users.”


    First – as the city council and their advisors sell this idea late that night:


    (At the 15:00 minute mark watch the only member of the public following the issue state that nowhere prior to this meeting was THE SIZE of the project ever disclosed in anything he has been able to find (including a Rye Record article about it) until then.)

    Then – as the taxpayers arrive in numbers at the next meeting at city hall on Sept 14th:


    (It goes on for almost a full hour. Watch the various elected officials who were personally instrumental in quietly developing and pushing this costly scheme reverse their positions.)

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