Sandy Hook Women Join Rye Group in Avon Walk for Breast Cancer

A group of 19 women from Sandy Hook called the Sole Sisters are joining the Rye group the Sole Ryders in this year's 40 mile Avon Breast Cancer Walk.

More from the News Times:

"NEWTOWN — Dawn was breaking on a recent Saturday morning as a group of Sandy Hook Elementary School mothers and several of their safety-equipped dogs gathered at the end of Cider Mill Road, stretching and chatting before they stepped off for a five-mile walk around area neighborhoods…

These aren't just over-ambitious exercisers. These are the Sole Sisters, a 19-strong group of women — they have support from seven more — who have rallied for a national sisterhood by taking strides to prevent breast cancer.

They have discovered how much it means to have people stand up for them, and they want to do likewise for a cause that is close for so many of their "sisters."

On Oct. 19-20, the Sole Sisters will join with the "Sole Ryeders," from Rye, N.Y., to participate in the 40-mile Avon Breast Cancer Walk in New York City…

When she was first contacted by the Rye mothers, Young said she figured it would be her and a friend. The outpouring of support has proved an inspiration to all the Sole Sisters, she said."

Read the rest.


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