City Council Candidate Mehler’s Letter to Supporters

Rye City Council Candidate Jason L. Mehler has sent the following letter to his supporters:

Re: Thank You for all of your support and vote on Tuesday, November 5th – please share this message with all of your Rye Neighbors and Friends.

As you all know, my wife (Carin), is a 4th grade teacher at Osborn School.  On behalf of my family, I would like to thank you for all of your support during this campaign.  Our family has been tested tremendously over the last six months.

I am running as an Independent Candidate for Rye City Council on the Independence line.  I do not belong to any political party.  I am not accepting any political contributions. I am funding my own campaign.  No one suggested or asked me to run for the Rye City Council.  I have no personal agenda.  I am volunteering to run for this position.  I owe no favors to any political party, party leaders or special interest groups.  I am a true Independent!

I am currently a volunteer on the Rye Town Park Advisory Committee and the Rye Recreation Commission

I am prepared to make the many important and necessary decisions from day one!  I understand what is meant by a sense of urgency and I will do my best to exceed all of your expectations.

I want to be part of the process to "Make Rye Better".  As a parent, homeowner, resident and someone that works in this great city, I want to assist in any way possible to making Rye the best place to live, visit, work and raise a family.  I feel strongly that being part of a community means taking an active role in making it the best possible place to live.

My approach will be "Non Partisan" and I am looking forward to working with all members of the council.  I am a good listener.  I am a quick learner.  I love Rye and want it to be the best in every way.  I pay attention to details and will listen to everyone's opinion.  I am committed to serving our community with everyone's best interest.

My extensive financial background and understanding of budgeting, employment issues, financial statement and cash flow analysis will be a great addition in helping the council with its essential task of fiscal accountability. I believe that my experience, coupled with my passion to keep Rye's local government strong, will help me bring new ideas and new solutions to the Rye City Council.

On a personal note – My wife, Carin works locally as a school teacher in Rye (fourth grade, Osborn School). As the parents of two young children that both currently attend Rye City Schools (Emily 11 & Rachel 9) , a few of the primary reasons we were attracted to the City of Rye were the school system, community and proximity to the park and Long Island Sound.

Thank you for your support and vote on November 5th.

Jason L. Mehler

Candidate, Rye City Council
Walker Avenue
Rye, NY 10580

[email protected]


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